"And why did you avoid Brandon?" Jewel asked.

"He said if I associate myself with him Zion will be killed," I replied breaking down into tears. "I can't even tell Brandon why."

"That explains it..." she mumbled and Nicks phone rang.

"It's B," he sighed and picked it up. "Yea bro?... Yea she's cleaned up..... nah I don't know why, she's not talking... I know you do I'm sorry bro... alright see you in a bit."

"What he say?" I asked feeling my stomach turn.

"He wanted to know why you're not talking to him."

Silence fell upon us and my phone vibrated. It was a text from Brandon.

Brandon 💞: Hey.. I don't know what I did for you to be upset with me but I'm just happy you're home safe. I missed you so much. And I'm sorry for whatever went down and ... I'm just happy you're back. I'm here if you need me love ❤️

Tears fell down my face and I gave my phone to Jewel. She read over the message and sighed.

"He thinks he did something. And I need him and I can't even talk to him," I cried getting to my feet.

"We'll figure this out. Listen come back with us and we're gonna plan something ok?" Nick replied getting to his feet as well.

"Ok. Ok let's go-"

"Wait! Put on some real clothes. At least jeans instead of sweats please and brush your hair for god sakes," Jewel groaned and I rolled my eyes.

I changed into my skinny jeans and put on my converse. I adjusted my hoodie and put my hair in a slick back ponytail and hoops. I put gloss on my lips and foundation on my noticeable bruises and cuts.

"Better?" I asked and Jewel smiled.



"Warn them to keep the touching to a minimum please," I sighed fidgeting with my fingers.

"Ok love," Nick replied as he opened the door.

He whispered to the boys and he made way for Jewel and I to enter. Once I stepped in everyone got up and just stared. Brandon stood sitting looking at me sadly. Which killed me.


"Wait. Am I seeing shit or is some ICONic Boyz standing right in front of me?" I asked and everyone laughed almost in relief.

"Yea we're here love. Who was your favorite?" Louis asked.

"What makes you think I had a favorite?" I laughed as we all sat in a circle.

"Oh come on every girl had that one member they stanned more than the others," Mikey smirked. "Did you like me too?"

"Actually no fake abs. I liked Madison and OH SHIT. You're right there. Oh- well Damn. I exposed myself," I groaned and everyone erupted with laughter.

"Hold up. I got real abs now like-"

"Well I'm flattered," Madison laughed cutting off Mikey.

"I need a picture. Just saying. My 11 year old self deserves it," I replied pointing at him.

"Of course," he smiled.

"Anyways. The plan?" Brandon said in an angry voice.

"Right so who do you think can be behind it?" Mikey asked.

"I was thinking Ana and maybe some guys from high school that really didn't like me and the girls," Zion replied clearing the tension.

"The hate is too deep for it to be her and some high school bullies," Jewel replied.


My phone vibrated and I saw a private text from Unknown.

Unknown: You two are gonna start dating. I want to see how far I can push the innocent Brandon 😏

What..? I clicked on the members of the chat and saw one other person attached to the group message.

I got a private message from Nick and I just couldn't deal with it.

Nick: I don't wanna hurt him.

Me: Yea but Zion's LIFE is on the line... I'm not trying to upset Unknown

Nick: True... it's just weird. I see you as just a friend

Me: Trust and believe so do i. I care about Brandon. But I'm not risking Zion's life.

Nick: So how do we make this work?

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