Chapter 16

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I was sitting on my bed alone staring at the wall. I couldn't process what just happened. I got threatened and I had a really bad panic attack. That only Jewel was able to control. And the things Edwin said..

As much as it hurt seeing them together the past month it scared me seeing them argue. Especially over me.

There was a knock at my door and I looked up to see Jewel. I looked back down in embarrassment and sighed.

"How you feeling?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Extremely guilty. Scared and insanely sad," I replied playing with my fingers. Rose walked in and sat on my other side.

"Zion. We're here for you. We're not mad or anything. Simon is almost here. He's kind of upset but Brandon spoke to him. So you can relax. We're gonna fix this ok?" Rose replied wrapping an arm around me. I felt a rush of relief and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry again for what happened outside. You guys looked so scared and I don't wanna stress you out," I mumbled.

"We were scared. I thought you having a stroke or something at first which was why I panicked," Jewel sighed laying her head on me.

"Oh buddy you're gonna stress us out even more in the future. And vise versa. We're not perfect. But we do love each other so we're gonna stick together," Rose replied holding my hand.

"Simon's here," Austin called from the hallway.

We got to our feet and I took a deep breath. We made our way downstairs and the boys were sitting on the couch. Simon sat on a stool and I walked to him.

"Sit down with the rest. Girls if you don't mind heading upstairs I want to talk to the boys alone," Simon spat and the girls nodded. They went upstairs and once the door closed he spoke up again. "Now Brandon gave me an earful on what happened. Now I wanna hear what you got to say."

"Umm... a girl I knew from my past and I were messing around. A while ago I was drunk and we slept together. Apparently she recorded it and now she's threatening to leak it if I don't give $5000 in two days," I replied and Simon nodded.

"You do realize that if she leaks this PRETTYMUCH is pretty much over? Correct?" He asked taking off his glasses.

"Yes sir and I recognize how bad my mistake was. I've been good the past few weeks and this one just bit me in the ass," I sighed.

"Ok. I am going to pay it off. I am also hiring someone to hack her phone and delete the trace of the video. Zion. I don't want to hear anymore of this drama. Understood?" Simon barked and I nodded quickly.

"I'm sorry sir," I replied and he nodded at me.

"Now. All of you will be changing your numbers and you'll ONLY give it to family, the girls upstairs, Noah, and the other LONG term best friends y'all have. You'll have the team's number and that's it. No fans. No new friends. Those people is the purpose for Twitter. Talk to them there and try not to in general. No pictures and no random hook ups. Understood?" Simon yelled standing to his feet.

"Yes Simon," we all said in unison.

"Good. See you bright and early tomorrow," Simon sighed and came to me. He wrapped an arm around me, bringing me in a hug and said, "Take it easy. I got your back."

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