Start from the beginning

Now, since all angels can fly, that means they have wings, but what separates Archangels is the immense size of their wings and the changing color of them depending on their mood. When their wings are pure white, it means they are at peace. When their wings are brown, it means they are on guard and can sense trouble. However, when their wings turn black, watch out. This means they are ready to fight!

These tactics enable the Archangels to perform their tasks, and Raphael was no exception. His job took place on earth, in a small town where a special girl named Robin, lived with her family. It was his duty to protect her. What made Robin stand out was that she knew Raphael from her time in the pre-existence before she was born. And even now in her earth life, she could see him as clear as day. He made her smile a lot in her early days as a baby, and as her age progressed into a toddler, they had more interaction, and more opportunity for Raphael to do his job of protecting her. This made Robin the happiest of children. Her parents would often wonder how they got so lucky with a baby that was as happy and loving as this special little girl. Once Robin began to walk and say words, she'd say "Raphy" without any knowledge of why from her parents. They came to the conclusion that it was just an imaginary friend, which was only partly true, but they had no clue their special baby girl could see and play with an Archangel who was destined to keep her safe. Once Robin was three years old, Raphael would show her the world in the middle of the night by flying her high above the earth. She loved their adventures, and Raphael would always take her home right away, back into her bed, without a peep. The bond between Raphael and Robin was unbreakable.

Finally, one day, her Archangel was put to the test when the spirit of fear came calling during one of Robin's nightmares. The committed Raphael jumped to the little girl's defense, throwing the unclean spirit back to the depths of hell where it belonged. As the girl aged, this would become the norm, as she would eventually grow into free agency, which would open the doors to challenges and potential risk, which gives demons opportunity to strike.

Though Robin was still at the young age of 3, the Archangel, Michael, informed Raphael that his visits with Robin could not continue to be the same as they had been.

"Raphael, I implore you with my deepest concern, you will have to stop showing yourself to Robin very soon. She is beginning to think on her own and will start school very soon. If word gets out of her time spent with you, it will put strain on her future and what others may come to believe."

Raphael did not want to stop visiting Robin because he felt he would be letting her down if he did, and he felt she was too young to understand that he could not show himself anymore. Even though Raphael knew he would always be near her to protect her, the risk of Robin forgetting about that would be present. Still, Raphael loved Robin enough to know it was best for her that he stop showing himself.

Michael had some additional advice for Raphael.

"You are still charge of her safety, and may influence her in ways that she can't physically see, but you will not interfere in her free will."

It was heartbreaking for Raphael, but the idea that he could still watch over her and protect her, just not in her view, kept him going.

"I will do it, Michael. I understand the sacrifice that must be made, but will I ever be able to show my face to her again?" Raphael asked.

"No. However, you may take the form of any man to speak to her if you may, but those chances will only come rarely."

"But that sounds like the counterfeit powers of the demon, Zagam."

"Not quite, Raphael."

While it is true that we Archangels have powers that man cannot fathom, the demons also have powers that mirror ours. The difference is we have the best of intentions, so you may take the body of man when you are able to for positive reasons. The demons, on the other hand, have bad intentions, and seek to do harm in everything they do."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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