Part 9: Angel watching over you

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AN: small trigger warning: attempted sexual assault

As I enter the hob I cant unshake the uneasy feeling I had from marvel  but I push those thoughts aside and decide to just continue working.

I have around 40 minutes left of my shift when I see peeta come into the dinner.

He smiles brightly "hey katniss"
I give him a winning smile "hey peeta"
"So, do you come here often?"
He says with a smirk
"Ha Ha...very funny" I roll my eyes
"Isnt it though?"
"Ya ya, whats your order?"
He gives me his regular, while at the same time trying (and effectively) to distract me from work.

After I finally bring him his food he decides now is a good time to stop talking

I dont realise That Im watching peeta from a window while washing some dishes until haymitch snorts

I scowl at him "what?"

He turns his head up, making his musk blond hair flop as doing so
"Never took you for the sunshine type sweetheart"
My confusion is evident on my face so he continues
"Your looking at him like hes the sun god apollo"
I further my scowl "im looking around, not just at him"
"Ya ya, whatever you say"
And before he leaves the kitchen he decides to slip off one more twitch of advice

"Make sure to wear protection!"
I groan and decide to end my shift an extra 5 minutes early
"Leaving so soon?"
I turn from the door
"Uh yea, I gotta go, cya tomorrow at school"
He winks at me "cya"

As I leave and pass Peetas 67' chevy impala(man thats a beautiful car)
I head down to get into my civic when someone grabs my arm and pushes me into an ally slamming me against the wall

I turn my head only to see...
"Yea its me you fucking bitch"

He grabs my face with his hand and holds me but I decided against shit

I knee him in the dick

"Arg! You bitch!"

I punch him in the cheek but he grabs my shoulders and pushes me into the wall.

He then pulls grabs my chin and pushes it up"

"Dont move"

He reaches down and tries to put his hand in my pants but I keep pushing it away, he then pushes me harder into the wall and tries to grab my boobs

"Stop you fucking bastard!"

He lets go and grabs my neck

"I said shut up!"

"Go to hell"

"Im going to fu-"

All the sudden marvel is off me and into the back of my car, then I notice it; peeta has him but the neck and is punching his face over and over again

"You fucking idiot! Im going to kill you!"

A 'crack!' Can be heard, most likely marvels nose

"Arg! My nose, let g-"

Peeta then flips him over his shoulder and kicks him in the ribs then the face

Hes panting and then he holds out his hand, he then looks over to me and walks over

"You ok ka-"

Before he can continue im grabbing his shoulders And pulling him into a hug
"Thank much peeta"

He pulls away and searches my face

"He didnt do much did he?"

"He got a 2 second grope before you got him down"

"Thank God katniss" and with that im in his arms again

"There is no doubt hes not gonna be able to do much, what do we do next?"

"We should tell the authorities later, right now, hes  definitely not gonna be in school for awhile.

He grins before saying "good, right now, im gonna drive you home"

"Peeta my ca-"

"Leave your car here, I can drive you back here tomorrow ok?"


And with that we go into his car and he drives off

AN: thank you for watching, im not sure what I should do with marvel, So i guess I am accepting suggestions.

Please comment and thanks! I hope you liked this chapter

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