Chapter Ten: It hurts

Start from the beginning

"Look at you! Acting all brave when you're the one in the chains." Jason smirked. I could feel my blood boil as he taunted me.

"Listen I'm still alive but I'm struggling. I had put myself in a sleep so I wouldn't die from all of the abuse. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you I'm here now. We have to stay strong and push through this. I can feel my body growing weaker as Dayton dies. I know you don't want this to be the truth but the three of us are dying. We have to go back to Dayton before we vanish."

My tigers words hurt me. I didn't believe what Jason said about Dayton but if my tiger can feel him dying I had no other choice but to believe it. Why couldn't I feel it? Was it being blocked from all the pain I have been receiving or was Dayton blocking it from me? This isn't fair. He can't die. No we can't die. I love him and I can't lose him. I only just met him. This hurts. This hurts worse than the beatings, than the cuts, worse than anything I could imagine.

My tiger whimpered. I looked up at Jason. He reached for the knife in my stomach and pulled it out. He had a small smile on his lips. "I'll see you week." He chuckled and left. I felt something rose in my throat. I began to vomit and it was a black color. "We are crawling closer to the end. Your blood is doing the same as our beloveds." My tiger spoke softly. Someone was running towards my cell and I could smell that it was Rose.

She entered my cell and panted. She hand water and more jerky along with a robe. She rushed over to me and held out a key with a soft smile. "I'm sorry that he came back. The only way that I would have gotten the key was to tell him that you needed to be checked on." She unlatched the cuffs and I dropped to my feet. She grabbed my hand and gave my the robe. I slipped it in and smiled weakly. "Eat this and have some water. I'll take you to my room. It's impenetrable." Rose smiled.

We were in Rose's room and it looked like a little prison. "You can shower if you want. I'll give you another clean robe. I don't think you'll fit any of my clothes." She smiled. I nodded and walked to her small shower. I turned the hot water on and climbed in. Blood and dirt pooled down at the drain and I nearly threw up. How bad did I smell or look?

I began to scrub my body with her lavender body wash. Once my skin was clean I rinsed off. I washed my hair and stood under the water longer.

"Please hurry Dayton. I know what's happening to you."

I couldn't help but sob when I didn't get an answer in return. Rose barged into the bathroom. She shut the hot water off and tossed me a towel. "Be quiet. You can here howling in the distance." Rose smiled. Once I stopped crying I tried to focus on the howling in the distance but heard nothing.

I felt the iron taste of blood rose in my throat once again. I rushed to the toilet and vomited. My hands began to shake and my eyes watered once more. My stomach hurt so bad. I wish Dayton was already here. "Tonight is the blood moon." Rose whispered. "What does that have to do with anything?" I chuckled non humorously. "Jason and his men will be weak. The blood moon was created by the vampire god. He was tired of the rogues attacking everyone and his kind. He slaughtered hundreds of rogue wolves and put a curse on the moon.

"Every year there is one blood moon and it is the most common night for a rogue to die." Rose informed me. I could kill Jason. We were both weak giving us both a shot. "I can kill Jason and we could leave." I whispered. Rose nodded. "We have to wait for about an hour. I can try to find real clothes for you other than a robe. I might have smaller clothes than just the ones now." She rushed to her closet and searched for clothes. I flushed the toilet and stood and made my way to Rose'a bed. I laid down and closed my eyes for a brief moment.

I was being shook awake. I looked around and saw Rose. "I thought I'd give you some time to rest. Here are some clothes I found. Sorry if they are a little weird." She handed me a black leather jacket with a maroon shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I put the clothes on and felt warm. I didn't know I was cold until the clothes warmed me up.

"Let's go kill Jason." I smiled. "Wait you'll need this." She tan back into her closet and grabbed a gun and a knife. She gave me the gun and kept the knife. "I stole these awhile ago. I figured at one point they'd come in handy." She chuckled.

We walked out of her room and I fallowed Jason's sent. We ran into a rogue and I took the knife from Rose so I could kill the man without a sound. I reached from behind him and slit his throat. He clutched his neck and fell. We had run into a few more rogues and killed them without a problem. We picked up more guns and Rose now has a knife of her own.

We walked up a couple of stairs to a room that reeked of Jason. I opened the door and saw Jason looking at me. "I've been waiting for you. I stayed in here waiting while me followers outside get slaughtered by the Kingdoms that want my head." He spat. Hope filled my chest. I raised the gun and fired but missed. Jason was in front of me and had me by the throat. "You think the blood moon affects me?!" He three my across the room. I looked at Rose who stood still scared. I shifted into my tiger and it hurt badly. 

A roar tore through my muzzle and I lunged at Jason. I sank my teeth into his arm as he was about grab Rose. I left go and rant to Rose. She hopped on my back and I made a dash to the front doors. "Rose I need you to fire at anyone in our way. I can't do much in this form. Protect us until I get us outside." I snarled.

Rose fired at anyone who came close to us and at Jason and he ran after us in his wolf form. I pushed my tiger to run faster until we were outside. I saw Dayton, King Eric, and King Frank along with a woman. They were all fighting off the wolves. I was so close to them until I felt Jason's wolf ram into me. Rose went flying off of me and I tumbled to the ground. "You really think you're going to leave me?!" Jason barked out.

I stood up on my shaky paws. I growled low at Jason. "I'm not yours. I'm going to kill you." I yelled. I lunged at Jason and clawed his back. He bit down on my hind leg. Blood pooled off the both of us. Everything seemed to go quiet. There was no snarling anymore except for Jason and I. Jason charged at me and he missed me. I bit down on his ear and ripped it off. I spit it out and snarled at him. We charged at each other again and snapped our jaws at each other.

I felt so weak and needed to end this quick. My body felt heavy and I wasn't prepared for when Jason charged at me. Dayton's body was in front of me in a blink of an eye. He grabbed Jason's wolf by the throat and tore it out. Blood splattered everywhere. I shifted back and sighed.

"I'm so sorry. I'm here it's going to be alright." Dayton smiled weakly. He was way more pale than usual. I extended my claws and sliced my wrist. "Please. I know you're dying and it's killing me too." Dayton licked my wrist and it began to heal. I was confused until he sank his fangs into my neck. I felt like I was walking on cloud nine.

Dayton pulled away and smiled. He looked normal again. "I love you, Jericho. I will never let anything happen to you again." He picked me up and pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't even realize my body wasn't healing. I just felt weaker and weaker by the second. I looked up at Dayton. "I love you so much too." I whispered.

My body felt weightless. My mind was drawing blanks. My eyes wouldn't open and all I saw was black. There was no sounds to be heard. Nothing to smell. I couldn't move. I felt trapped. Maybe all of that was just a dream. Or perhaps I'm dead.

There is nothing I can do to move or open my eyes. My mind moved to Dayton. Where was he right now? Is he okay? Did he live? These were things that ran trough my mind. I began thinking about when he would kiss me with such passion. I would miss that if I didn't wake up. I think I would miss his smile the most or his short yet passionate kisses. I felt tears prick in my eyes but they wouldn't open. What is happening to me?

Dayton's POV

She was crying in her transformation. The doctors said this was the only way to bring her back to me. To turn her. She will become a hybrid. They said her transformation could take several days or a day but it's already been two weeks. Everyone was growing worried that she wouldn't make it through the transformation. She's so strong I know she can make it.

"Please wake up Jericho. I miss you so much." I whispered. I just got you back and I can't afford to lose you again.

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