Stressful Song writing and rainy anniversies

Start bij het begin

" oh My God!" She yelled out

" I told you never to do that!" She shoved his chest

" sorry!" He laughed " I couldn't resist!"

" I need total relaxation!" She said " today was stressful.." she said wrapping her arms around his neck

" hey I realized something." He said

" what?" She asked

" tomorrow January 11th" he said

" what about January 11th?" She teased

" it's our Anniversary!! Ally how could you have forgotten!" He said

she laughed " I didn't forget! You just realized it.."

" I didn't just realize it.." he said

" but two years.." she said

" we've been together for longer" he said holding her close

" yea but who's counting.." she said

" too bad we still can't get a baby sitter.. everyone's busy" he said

" we'll figure it out tomorrow" she said kissing his cheeks

She suddenly let go and picked up the puppy

" I have a name finally.." she said

" what is it?" He asked

" since she's white and fluffy and soft.. this is marshmallow!" She said cheerfully

" we aren't naming the dog marshmallow" he said

" you named the baby, I name the dog" she demanded

" marshmallow it is" he said
The next day

They got ready for their anniversary date
The babysitter they found would be here any minute

Ally fluffed out her hair and gave her self one last look In the mirror

" wow look at my hot wife" Austin gaped at Ally 

She turned around confidently with her pre pregnancy body and smiled at him..

" two years ago we got married today, and I'm still crazy over you" he smiled

She smiled too

He took her hand and spun her around in her body fitting mini dress

" you're so stunning" he said " are you sure you had a baby almost 4 months ago?"

She blushed hard as he pulled her in and kissed her

She pulled away.. " save some of that for later" she teased

" oh are you applying something?" He smiled

" mhhmm" She said against his lips

Ava cried through the baby monitor

" every time" he said " it's like she knows.."

She smiled and left the room

Ava's cries completely dies down when she's in her mothers arms

" so where's Carries mom?" Austin asked

" I have no idea." Ally said cuddling Ava

They sat down on the couch in the nursery

Ally cradled Ava in Attempt to get her back to sleep

" life was much simplistic when we could just take our time and head out the door" he smiled

From a Duo to a Trio : the first year Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu