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Hey, You. Listen up 'cause I've got a story to tell you. It will turn you world upside down. I know it did ours.

Yeah, frickin' inside out too! Hahaha.

Z, let me tell it!

Okay, haha. Don't mess up! Don't mess up, Riley Don't mess-

Zoë! Let me tell them!

'Kay. I'll be quite. Go ahead.

So, where was I? Oh, yeah. World upside down.

Yes. World upside down. Tell it!

They say an angel must commit a sin in order to fall. I bet you didn't know that every angel falls at least once. I bet you also didn't know that the entity many call "God" is a lot more like a trickster then most of us originally thought.

So read on, you feisty thing! And prepare to have your mind blown!

Zoë, I thought I was going to just summarize it all for them.....

Nope. Too easy. They shall read our adventure! And Bask in it's epicness!

You seem hyper...did you grab one of your brother's Monsters?


Ugh. Zo, you need to lay off those things.

Start. The. Adventure.

Okay, okay.

Every Angel Falls At Least Once (work in progress-coming soon)Where stories live. Discover now