My New Family...

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    Since I don't sleep I was reading until it was time to get dressed for school. I put my book down and walk into my closet picking out black leather skinny jeans, a white crop top, a leather jacket, and my favorite black Louis Vuitton pumps. Once I'm fully dressed and my hair is curled I finish off my fantastic look my doing my makeup up with a flawless smokey eye and leaving my eyes the natural gold color from drinking animals. I look at the time and decide to leave for school now, I grab my phone and my bag and speed down to my teal Lamborghini Aventandor. I smile as I start the car up hearing the nice purr of the engine as I turn up drakes voice zooming off to Forks High School for another regular rainy day in Washington.
    As I pull up to my school I can't help but notice the cars that are parked in MY parking space I ignore it and assume some new kids probably think it's okay HA! I will let them know it's not. I park my baby and step out feeling all eyes on me as I walk through the school doors straight to my locker to put my bag away looking at Jonsey my stuffie I keep in my locker to protect me at all times. As I shut my locker I go to my first period: Biology as soon as I sit down the bell rings causing me to let out an unneeded breath of air, this is going to be a long year. I put my head down and stop paying attention until I hear my name called by Mr. Molina causing me to snap my head up and look at him. "Miss Jinx you have been called down to the attendance office please go there now", Mr. Molina said making me nod slightly and leave wondering why I am being called down. Once I get to the office I am met with the secretary who quickly informs me I am showing the new students around and that's when I notice them.
    I say a quick okay and shove them out the door and into the hall I look closer and notice that this group is a group of animal eating vampires just like myself I scan each one of them down starting with a guy who looks like a big bear, then a pretty but bad ass blonde, a short pixie looking girl, a studious guy, and then my eyes land on him. Immediately my eyes darken and I scream "MATE" and buckle down into submission waiting for him to pick me up. I hear a loud animalistic growl and soon I am picked up and pushed against the wall by him, his eyes have darkened and he looks like he want to either kill me or kiss me I can't tell. As soon as that thought slipped my mind he kisses me with so much passion but then growls and pushes me behind him looking at the rest of his group and growls out "MATE, MINE" they all look scared right as he said a word and bowed down into submission barring their necks which leaves me confused. He soon nods his head and they stand back up and we stood there in an awkward silence looking between everyone. I couldn't take this anymore so I spoke up, "Who are you people and what are you doing here"? My mates grip tightened on me and he whispered in my ear even though I know they all can hear too but he said "We will explain just get in your car and follow us". I nodded and went down to my car following the Volvo and jeep that were the ones who actually parked in my space.
    After about 5 minutes we pulled up to their amazing house made mainly out of glass and the best part about the house was that it was secluded from to world to be free and able to do anything they wished. I shut my car off and before I could even process what was happening I was grabbed and put in someone's arms and that someone happened to be my mate his delicious long hair reaching to his ears and silky forest musk made him irresistible I was balling his shirt in my little hand knowing I was slipping into little space by the way he was holding and rocking me but I tried to push it away. He walked us into the house along with his "siblings" into a large living room where two older looking vampires were. These must be the leaders of this coven, I then hear the studious guy from earlier say a small yes and I looked at him weird but shrugged it off. The older vampire with blonde hair stood up and carefully walked over to me and jasper to introduce himself "Hello there, I am Carlisle Cullen and this is my wife Esme Cullen. It is a pleasure to meet you and have you in our home." I mumble a fast hello because I was becoming shy and feeling little. I think my mate noticed this and squeezed me closer to him and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. Then the short pixie stood up and introduced all her "siblings" staring with herself "Hi I'm Alice Cullen and this is my mate Edward Cullen" she points to the studious guy who said yes randomly earlier and giggles. "This is my sister Rosalie Hale, and her mate Emmett Cullen" Alice says as she points to the bad ass blonde and grizzly bear as she finishes my mate lifts his head from my neck and says "I am Jasper Hale ma'am it's nice to finally have you in my arms mate, I also have another side to me called 'The Major' or also known as 'Ares God Of War' my mouth dropped open this was THE JASPER WHITLOCK the most skilled vampire ever also the most dangerous and mighty vampire also. I looked at him and smiled getting the courage to talk instantly so I did "Hi there I'm Jinx and I'm a vampire and I've lived here for 120 years and I feed off animals and Jasper is my mate and and and I'm a little and I am into DD/LG" I gasp and freak out because i realized as I was rambling I said I was a little, oh god they probably will throw me out now I look like I'm about to cry. Instantly Jasper has me straddling his lap and rubbing my back shushing me his next sentence is how I knew he truly was my mate... "Jinx please do not fret about the way you live because we already knew thanks to Alice's power and plus I am a daddy so problem solved." I smiled and sped around the room hugging everyone and ended back on daddy's lap.
Time skip 2 hrs
    I am in daddy's room laying on him when Alice runs in and hands me a small box that's reads "open me" to which I did and inside I found a ring with the Cullen family crest on it for me. I look up with venom in my eyes and notice everyone is now in the room smiling as I put the ring on my right middle finger. "Well now you are apart of the family little one" Emmett booms and speeds away with Rose everyone else following along besides my mate of course. Jasper softly nibbles my ear and whispers "welcome to  your home babygirl", and kisses me softly. Man I could really get used to this.

My love Jasper Hale// discontinued Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora