This Is My Life...

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Hi there, my name is Jinx and I'm going to share my story with you. Get ready because you are in for a crazy ride... I am not your typical high school student; I stay away from many people because I have two secrets that could ruin my life... But we will get to that later. I am a junior at the moment and I have perfect grades considering I've taken my junior year MULTIPLE times now. If you are wondering I am 16 years old but I have also been 16 years old for over 120 years. See I told you you're in for a crazy ride, but don't leave yet there's more.
Not only am I ancient but I am also into a certain lifestyle that helps me cope with the boring dullness of my immortal life, I am a little girl or to some a submissive. A little girl is the second half to a DD/LG relationship or to break it down Daddy Dom, Little girl. In which a partner (the Dom) takes care of the other partner (the little) as if he/she was a baby. Now that you know this secret let me help you with the other one and elaborate on it. Like I said before I am an immortal 16 year old and to answer your question, yes I am supernatural I am actually a vampire. Please do not be frightened I did not choose this to happen to me and I most certainly do not feed off humans, I get my fix of blood from animals and only animals. Innocent humans do not deserve to have their life's sucked out of them due to someone being hungry. Anyways lets continue...
I was turned 120 years ago when I was walking home from a library. It was late and I knew I needed to get home for supper, Momma would always make me do the dishes if I was late. As I was walking home in the dark I felt as if someone was watching me and following me, being the idiotic noob I used to be I turned down a dark alley and instantly was met with a pair of those glowing red eyes. I knew, I knew that in that moment I was going to die never did i think I would wake up after I felt the sharp painful jab to my neck. But atlast I did wake up and when I did waiting for me was a bloody human, I couldn't do it I wouldn't do it so I picked myself up and ran into a forest I found the first animal I could find and sucked everything away from it tossing it to the side when I was done. After I quenched my thirst I walked back into town and noticed I was now in Forks,Washington.
This where my life started...

My love Jasper Hale// discontinued Where stories live. Discover now