Black Rose chapter 1 (Dark Link x Reader)

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An annoyed grumble came out of my body as I stood in front of my parents in out houses kitchen. It was nearing the end of my second year of high school, sophomore year. In the most cliche turn of events my parents had decided to move into the middle of absolute nowhere. A "nice cozy cabin with beautiful forestry surrounding the cabin" is how my parents explained it which was just another way to describe a cabin in the middle of the woods.

"(Y/N), we need our jobs  and we just don't think that this is the place for you to be all alone while we're gone during our trips," I looked at my mom and frowned as she spoke.

"Yeah mom when the crazy, mentally unstable, chain saw wielding, mass murder shows up it totally won't be all your fault when I die for unnecessarily moving me into the middle of no where," I said Rolling my eyes, sarcasm dripping off my every word like venom. A pang of guilt ran through my body at my own words however I said nothing to apologize.

"You're just being over dramatic the change will be good for you, and don't use that tone with me young lady," my mother shot back. I threw my hands up in exasperation at the situation.

"Who even has jobs like that anyway? Where both the parents up and disappear for months a time and is only have back for half that time? Whatever I don't care anymore, and apparently you don't either," I said while storming upstairs to pack my ever so precious belongings. My ears were bright red I anger displaying my true feelings on the matter.  Who wouldn't be pissed? My friends I've known since before preschool were going to be a thousand miles away. Where I was going was into the middle of the woods into a murder cabin.

I stormed over to my T.V and hastily unplugged my Xbox. I heard my father shout from the bottom of the stairs loud enough to shock me and make me drop my most prized possession. As the technology hit my wooden floor it broke, the insides spilling everywhere all over my floor. It took me a few seconds to process what had happened I snapped. I attempted deep breaths as I walked over to my bedroom door. Swinging the door open I shout down the stairs asking my dad what he wanted.

My voice loudly echoed throughout the house before my dad's head popped out from behind a corner. "Eat lunch before we leave we won't be stopping for any junk food," my dad said with a smile. I sighed silently feeling as though I were going to die of pain with my true love having died mere minuets previously.

I headed back into my room resisting the urge to punch something in the face, attempting to breathe deeply as to channel my anger into something peaceful. 

Putting back my destroyed Xbox and grabbing my Atari instead handling this console so much more carefully than I had ever previously. Placing the console softly in my case i wrapped it up in my clothes as an attempt to ensure some converge.

I haphazardly tossed my remaining clothes into the suitcase before zipping it shut. Grabbing the handle of the case I made a brief stop at my dresser grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket before standing at the door of my room. I glanced around one more time, it felt as though I was betraying all of the memories I had here by leaving like this.

"I heard a crash what did you break?" Asked my dad. 

"The Xbox fell out of my hands," I said sadly. My dad gave me a shrug and walked out the front door of the house.

We piled out of the house that had been my home since my first breath and into the car. I stared out of the window, looking after my home that looked as miserable as me at the fact that we were leaving. I closed my eyes hoping to have good dreams. When I opened my eyes we were pulling into a driveway of a old creepy looking house.

       After we parked I  silently grabbed my stuff from my dad and headed in. I looked around spinning to take in the entirety of the house. I climbed the stairs up to the second floor and went down the hallway to the room at the very end. I opened the door that led to the bedroom and stepped in. This room was big no doubt but as I looked around one thing caught my eye. I looked at the wall to my right and on the gray wall there was Zelda's castle. No doubt, I had played the game so much that I could recognize it anywhere. However it was all black, red and gray, compared to the normal castle, It looked sinister.

     I shrugged it off as a coincidence that the person who had this room before me must of liked Link quite a lot to paint this on their wall. It was cool though.

     I mumbled to no one in particular, "I think I'll keep it after all it's better than anything I could do." After un-packing my stuff I headed down stairs. As I headed down stairs mom came up to me. She hugged me then dad came up and hugged me. I let my arms hang loosely upon my sides as they did this.

"I know we just got here but we have to go to our jobs. See you later hunny!" Suddenly they let go and went outside and waved as they left. My face certainly showed displeasure and I knew it. However there was nothing I could do about it. I sighed and went to the kitchen and found some left over pizza after searching the contents of the cabinet and fridge. I gladly took it out of the fridge ignoring the fact my parents didn't even bother to invite me to eat dinner with them before they left and instead ate alone, because they already spend to much time with me. I put it on a plate and started eating not really in the mood to cook the pizza, instead just eating it cold.

   I finished and As I headed upstairs I snuggled up in my green sheets and went to sleep. I shrugged off the felling I was being watched and fell into a sleep, not to be awoken until the morning sunlight came through my window.

Black Rose (Dark Link x Reader) *under revision*Where stories live. Discover now