Chapter 1

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~~Y/N POV:~~

I look into Colbys electrifying blue eyes lost in thought. "You guys ready?" Sams question pulls me out of my trance amd back to reality. Colby and we lock eyes again for a second before my best friend Liz drapes her arm across my shoulder. Liz excitedly jumpes in place "We were born ready" 

I look at Liz and smile, we had been best friends ever since kindergarten. And ever since high school she had a crush on Sam, since him and Kat broke up 2 months ago she was confident she could get sam to like her. We had planned on driving to LA for their tour and to go exploring with them, unfortunately i had broken my ankle and foot 2 weeks before we got here so things were hard for me. Plus this giant boot i had to wear looked terrible and these crutches always got in the way.

Sam and Liz started walking towards the abandoned building. I followed them my crutches making a tink sound each time they hit the ground. Colby slowed down to walk next to me "Are you going to be able to do this?" Colby asked a saddened expression crossing his face. I laugh and nodd "Of course im not gonna let you guys have all the fun". We squeeze through a hole in the fence and walk up to the building.

Sam jumps into the window helping Liz through. I swallow the lump in my throat and leaned my crutches against the building in front of the window , Liz and Sam both reach out to help me. I stepped on my crutches for a boost and took their hands, i wasn't prepared for them to pull so hard so i ended up falling straight to the ground laughing. Colby hands up my crutches then climbed into the window

The clinking from my crutches echos through the Abandoned building. "This is going to get annoying" i whisper to Liz. I lean my crutches against the wall by the door of the room were we came through the window. "Are you sure you dont need those Y/N" Liz said worried. I shrugged and started walking slightly limping "yeah it doesn't hurt that bad". Liz walks next to sam like she is attached to his hip, followed by colby then me. I walk slower taking pictures of the rooms we pass. Sam was telling us the background of this place but Liz was the only one really listening. I took a picture of a room painted all red, i noticed something in the picture so i stop and enter the room.

~~Colby's POV:~~

Sam and Liz were practically speed walking through this place. I felt bad because Y/N was hurting she wasnt going to show it but i could see her limping whenever i looked back to see if she was there. "Hows it going back there" i turned around to see Y/N was gone, i felt my heart drop into my stomach. I walked back to the last room we passed, Y/N had her phone flashlight. She on kneeling down on the ground facing the wall. "You alright Y/N?" She jumped when i spoke and looked up. "Yeah check this out though i think its like one of those servant door that got covered." She looked back at the wall running her fingers along a raised seem in the shape of a door. I pulled out my keys and cut along the edge of the door, i tried to pull it open but it wouldnt budge. "I dont know think its locked. maybe if we both pull it will open" we both grasp the edge of the door and pull, the door flew open throwing us on our backs.

Y/N burst out into laughter causing me to laugh too, she pushed herself to her knees and shined her phone's light into the small hall. "Hmmm i thought there would be like rats and spider webs but its just super dusty" she said looking over at me. I grabbed my flash light and began to crawl in "woah your going in there" she backed up slightly putting her phone away, I laugh and shake my head "No WE are going in there, to see where this goes"

I continued to cawl and I smiled when i heard her cawling behind me. We crawled for about 10 minutes before we came to a door directly infront of us then a left turn, which i assumed lead back to the hall. I layed on my back and put my feet on the door. I looked up at her and smiled "Hey doll can you hold this" i handed Y/N the flash light, even in the dim light i could see her blushing. I kicked the door once and hear a scream from the other side of the wall. "I think we found Sam and Liz" Y/n giggled, i kicked the door again and it cracked open slightly. I seen Sam's fingers as he grabbed the door and pulled it the rest of the way open.

I crawled out smiling at Sam and reaching down to help Y/N up, she smiled taking my hand and standing up. "We thought you two ran off" Sam said winking at me, i luaghed and lightly punched Sam's arm. "Nah Y/N found a door so we wanted to see where it lead. To be honest im disappointed it only lead to you Sam" my comment made both Liz and Y/N laugh. Sam glared at me then looked at Y/N and Liz who were now whispering to each other about something "'Can it Colby! So whos ready to see the basement?"

Chasing Love - Colby brock x reader Sam Golbach x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now