Chapter Two

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You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing.. .
Ugh.. I should've turned it on silent last night
You got up and opened your phone



Hey who's this?


Wtf!! How'd you get my number

Yesterday when I went

Into the bathroom.....
You really need to put a
Password on your phone

HEY it's not my fault I didn't
Think someone would TAKE
it. But hey


You should come over

I barely know you😂

Then why'd you give me
Your number?

I didn't!!!


I'm starving, how about
We go somewhere and eat
Again, then you come over

Depends.. Your not taking
Me to Mc Donald's right?

Dammit, where do you
Wanna go then?


How about... Um Panera

That sounds good, do you want
Me to pick you up? Or are you to
Scared and think I'm an axe murderer?

Well now that you bring
It up

😂I'm just kidding, I'm not
About to walk those 15 miles



Ok I'll be there at 10: 00

You looked at the time, it was only 9: 14

Ok see you

End of messages

You got up and picked clothes out of your closet, even though Logan was cute you weren't about to go all out for breakfast. You just went with all adidas. You took a shower put your clothes and shoes on then brushed your hair and teeth. You didn't use a lot of makeup like usually, you just did your eyebrows, and a faint peach lip gloss. Then went back into your room and got your little adidas backpack and put your portable phone charger, and money in it. You grabbed your phone and putit in your pocket then went to the kitchen and got a water. Your phone buzzed


Hey I'm here, don't
Know your apartment
Number but I'm outside.

Ok ima coming

Ok, and my friends tagged
Along, but you'll like them

Ok cool

End Of Messages

At least I didn't go all out, that would be embarrassing.
You walked out of your apartment, went in the elevator and went outside. A car honked and you looked, it was Logan in a big white truck. You walked over.

Logan: hey, this is Michael and Danny, Evan, and you've met Brendan.

You: Hey, I'm Y/N nice to meet you guys.

Danny: Hey

Evan: Hi nice to meet you

Michael: What's up

Logan: Hey there's an open space between Michael and Evan.

Danny and Michael are twins. They are really cute.

You got in and Logan drove to Panera. "To bad Andy's not here, you would've liked him" Logan said pulling into the parking lot. Logan got out then Brendan,Evan,and Danny. Michael helped you out. "Thanks" You said smiling at him.

You guys walk into Panera while Logan held the door open. The second you got inside, Danny and Michael raced to an opened booth pushing and shoving each other. Micheal Sat down next to the wall and Danny pulled him out on the ground and sat next to the wall Michael stood up and wiped himself off laughing then sitting down next to Danny. "Your a dick" Michael said.

Brendan and Evan walked to the booth leaving you and Logan alone. "Danny and Michael are reckless" Logan said putting his hand in his pocket. "I know you'll like them after today. " He said as we moved up the line. It got quiet between you two. "Hey, can you ask them what they want?" Logan asked rubbing his neck. "Sure" You smiled and walked to the booth. They were all staring at you guys. "What? " You asked when you got there. "You like Logan huh? " Evan asked making kissing faces. It was weird because you didn't know him but funny. "Not a chance, we're just friends. Not to mention that we just met." You said outing your hands on the table. Michael squinted at you and Brendan, Evan, and Danny laughed. "So what do you guys want? " You asked them. "Pancakes! " Michael and Danny said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed. "Same" Brendan said. "I'll have a bagel and some bacon" Evan said. "Okie Dokie" You said walking back to Logan who was taking a picture with a girl. You stood patiently and then told him what they wanted. "So are you like famous or something? " You asked him. "Eh I guess, I uh vlog. It's pretty fun seeing the smile on the Logangs faces when we meet" He said then ordered the food. "Logang? " You asked as you walked back to the booth. "Yea my fan base" Logan said sitting next to Evan. Michael got up and you sat in the middle of him and Danny. "That's cool." You said. The food got there and everybody dug in. "So where are you from? " Michael asked grabbing a piece of Evan's Bacon. "Hey" Evan yelled "Ohio" You told him taking a drink of your water. "ME TO" Logan half screamed. "Woah calm down tiger" You said laughing. Logan blushed. "#soulmates" Brendan said taking his phone out. You looked at Logan then looked down. You felt your face turn red and you laughed. "What about you and Danny? I'm gonna guess Australia because of your accents. " You said. "Ding ding ding" Danny said reaching for the last pancake. "Um no" Michael said taking it. "I went to grab it first you asshole" Danny said "But I deserve it for looking after you. " Michael said. "I didn't need you to I'm a grown man, and you were born before me so you probably had more pancakes in your like time. " Danny said. "Your retarded, I was literally born four seconds before you you" Michael said. Michael grabbed the pancake and shoved it in his mouth. "You know what? I'm glad you did that, because now I'm gonna get you back, worse" Danny said. You were in the middle of Michael and Danny trying not to laugh. Michael Turner towards you and you both burst out laughing. Logan had a serious look on his face. You looked at him and he looked away. "Did you just threaten Michael over a pancake? " Logan asked Danny. Danny laughed "Don't underestimate me" Danny said. After you guys finished your food you all got up and walked back to the car. "Trust us now? " Logan asked leaning against the car. "Yea" You said. Michael smiled and held the door open for you. Logan looked pissed. "Thanks Michael" You said buckling your seat belt. He got in and shut the door then buckled. When everybody was in and buckled and Logan pulled out of the Panera Bread driveway you asked "So where are we going?" Logan turned his head back and smiled. "Hey do you know how to swim? " He asked. "Yea but Im wearing jeans and I don't have a bathing suit with me." You said "it's alright your house isnt that far. " Logan said turning back towards the road. Michael put his hand on the back of your seat. And you looked at him smiled then looked out of Danny's window. "So how did you and Logan meet? " Danny asked "you guys are cute together" "Uhmm" You said "We aren't dating hahaha we just met today. " Danny smiled. "Cool" He said then looked back out of the window. Logan turned on music. It was a song you knew and Logan started singing as loud as he could so you joined and Michael and Danny, then Brendan and Evan. It was fun. These people are actually cool. Like best friends.. But boys. But things can change in a day.... Even in and hour.

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