The boy with the beautiful calm voice

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Chapter 16- The boy with the beautiful calm voice

James' P.O.V.

"I have some news for you." Her expression was distraught and she had blood all over her clothes...

"Is she going to be alright?" Brad questioned with worry clearly evident in his voice.

"We are not quite sure at the moment as she has lost a lot of blood from her injuries and ummm she's ummm....." The nurse looked at us all.

"What is it?" Tristan asked growing impatient.

"I am sorry to inform you that Autumn is in a coma." Tears freely ran down my cheeks.

"How long for?" I managed to choke out.

"I am sorry but we don't know at the moment as she isn't in a stable condition but we should know when she is." The nurse watched us very carefully. "I can tell that she means a lot to you all. So I shall inform you all when you can see her!"

"Thank you." I said.

"You boys should go home and get some sleep and something to eat. I will call you when Autumn can have visitors." The nurse informed us. We all nodded in agreement and left to go to Tristan's as we have basically been living their. 

When we pulled up to his house there were police outside of his house talking to Rebecca and Angela.

"They are over there." Rebecca pointed at us. The police officers turned around and started to walk towards us.

"Are you boys Mr McVey, Mr Simpson, Mr Evans and Mr Ball?"

"Yes officer, can we help you?" Connor asked.

"Yes we need you to make a statement against Robin Crescent!" One of the officers said.

"Why? We already know that he did this to Autumn!"

"Boys we just need it on tape so we can definitely put him into jail!" The other officer stated.

"When do we have to do this?" Brad sighed.

"As soon as possible, if you can do it now that would be great." The boys and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, let's just get this over and done with." I said.

Autumn's P.O.V

I could here muffled voices but I couldn't make out who's they were.

"She doesn't look good!" One person said.

"Well what am I supposed to tell those boys outside?" Another person said.

"Who? The ones from yesterday who you told to go home and get rest?"

"Yes, they care about Autumn and want to see her. "

Who's Autumn? I don't know. I tried to move but it seems i'm paralyzed. Same for talking, my mouth won't open and my voice seems to be on mute.

"Well she is in a stable condition so it may be good for them to come and see her as she may awaken from her coma" The person stated.

"Well I will go and get those boy's then." I think a women said. 

I heard the door open and close and pairs of feet padding towards me. I felt quite a few people take both of my hands. An uncomfortable silence grew in the room until a voice spoke up.

"Hi Autumn." Someone said. "It's Tristan by the way." The name rings a bell but I can't match a face to it. "The other boys are here too." I heard a murmur and then another voice spoke up.

"I missed you Tum!" I recognize that voice as someone that I know for sure but I couldn't picture a face or a name. I felt someones hand squeeze mine. I tried so hard to squeeze back but I started to drift off. I heard beeping and the people in the room panicking and then faint voices but I had fallen into a deep slumber.


I lay on my back whilst watching the stars, with someone beside me.

"I love looking at the stars, they are soo beautiful. You see those stars over there?" I asked pointing over to the constellation of Orion. "Hhmmm!" The boy replied. "That's the asterism of Orion's Belt."

"How'd you know that?" He questioned.

"I love stars! One day I would love to be named after one!"

"Well it's your lucky night!"

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked sitting up and facing him whilst he did the same to me. He pulled a piece of paper out of the picnic basket and handed it over to me.

I looked at it and then looked back over to the boy and he was staring at me intently. "How did you?I don't... What?"

"I am guessing you like it?"

"Like it, I love it!" I said engulfing this boy in a big hug. He smiled.

"Autumn I have wanted to ask you something for long time... Will you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" 

I smiled, leaned in and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?" 

"No!" He said with a cheeky grin.

"Well then no.." I said.

His smile dropped. I couldn't help it any longer I started laughing. He had a look of confusion upon his face. "Didn't you realize I was joking? If the offer is still on the table I would love to be your girlfriend!"

"Tum don't do that you scared me!" I smiled...

Why can't I see his face? I can hear his voice, it sounds sooo beautiful and calm, but when I look at him his face is blurred. This is really annoying as I want to know who he is, as he seems sooo sweet! The boy with the beautiful and calm voice intrigues me. I wish I could remember!

  Not Edited

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