Pretty Girl Love Song

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laughing laughing i love u laughing

        i’m scared of loving u

                       just joking. u’r scared

                                i hope u understand

                                    love u


                                        just u wait

                                               u’ll see

                                                u fell into her arms

                                                 u’ll fall into mine

                              haha i’ll ask u out

                                            just u wait

                                                   u’r sweet

                                  have i told u that before? ;)

        how many times have i told u?

                                       i’ll guess u’d say ‘lots’

                                                       u need to loosen up.

                             just joking. i like u

                                                        u’r fucking gorgeous

                             did i forget to tell u?

                                                 well. u are

                                      sorry. it’s all u’r fault

                                           goddamn u

                                                            u’r not pardoned

                                          kidding yes u are

                                                              u’r sweet

                                                     (yeah u are)

                                                 sorry. it’s u’r fault i have butterflies

                                  in conclusion: i like u

                                                       (sorry. u can’t avoid me)

                                                          i like u, and

                                           there’s nothing u can do about it


                                                                 laughing laughing laughing.

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