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I know, I know... I haven't updated my book, Broken and Forgotten, in like... Months? But I'm saying that I'll update  it someday... I just have to come up with a plan for it... For the next chapter... BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I DON'T SHIP MARISSONSHIPPING ANYMORE!!! THEIR CUTENESS WILL ALWAYS REIGN!!!~

Anyways... This will be the book I'll be having for this year's Marissonshippping week. Making this my second entry for the shipping week...~

I do hope you'll enjoy what I write or draw for the given prompts... Yep!!! I'll be either writing or drawing!!!~

 Yep!!! I'll be either writing or drawing!!!~

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(Here's the banner that I saw in DeviantArt...)

(And here's the prompts list

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(And here's the prompts list... That I also saw in DeviantArt...)

Day 1 (April 3): Past

Day 2 (April 4): Fan Art

Day 3 (April 5): Flowers

Day 4 (April 6): Headcanon

Day 5 (April 7): Jealousy

Day 6 (April 8): Intimacy

Day 7 (April 9): Favorite Dialogue

That's pretty much the prompts... I hope you enjoy any trash I'll be posting!!!~ BYE!!!~

Happy Marissonshipping Week 2018!!!~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant