Chapter 2: You again

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That's the picture of the main character btw.

The next morning, I sat with my roommate Naomi. Her family is from Wakanda but she was born in the US. We work together to help people.

"Okay right outside the coast of Wakanda, there was an attack at an all girl school and 50 girls were taking as hostage and are planning to get sold to some rich men tonight at 7. We have to save them" Naomi informs.

"Where are they held hostage?" I asked while we looked at the electronic map. An abandoned building showed up and also live footage of it now. It was heavily guarded.

"Do you think you can really do this alone?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Maybe today is the day I die" I joked but it could be a possibility.

"Can I just hack into the Government system and call Black Panther to help?"

"No!!!! I swear to fucking God I will end you" I shout. She gave me kissy faces and I threw my pillow at her.

"Don't you think it's ironic how he always comes to save you?" Naomi asked while looking at a magazine.

"Well not anymore he looked really mad after yesterday's mission. I guess I took it too far. So I don't think so anymore"

"Honey, he will be back. It's so obvious that he likes you. He will be back" she reply but I disagreed with her.

Why would he like me? He doesn't and he can have literally any girl in the whole kingdom so no. I don't know, I guess I've had bad experiences with love and I don't believe in it. If he is helping me, he has to want something in return. All men are selfish they do things to get something in return.

It's a tricky world and I live it with my guard always up. I hardly trust people and think everyone will disappoint you in the end. Even Naomi; she's my best friend but if she betrays me I wouldn't be surprised that's what I think about everyone.

"Girl I'm starving let's go to Uncle Dans to get some food" Naomi suggest.

"Yeah" we left our apartment. Lucky for us the cafe store was literally a 2 minute walk so there is no need for us to take the train.

We entered and it was a bit crowded. The old man, Uncle Danni that owned the restaurant came up to us. He was about 47.

"Naomi is that you??? Aaay" he says circling her. He had a crush on her. I was dying of laughter because he tried to hug her and telling her how beautiful she is but her trying to keep a normal composure was the funniest.

"Aaay Miss Wakanda" he says while praising her.

"Guess what I bought yesterday?" He says excitedly.

"What did you buy Uncle Danni?" I asked.

"Some Gutichi sneakers" he says. "It's hip you know"
With that he took us to our seat and left. Once he left we started dying of laughter. This man meant Gucci sneakers.

"Gutichi" Naomi says as she was laughing with me.

"Bitch" I say trying to stop laughing but the laughter ended up breaking through.

We stayed laughing but stopped a few minutes later. A waiter came to get our order. He tried to flirt with us like most men did but we shut that down real quick.

We ordered some French bread with fried eggs and tea. I don't know but about other countries in Africa but in Wakanda, me and Naomi get most things free because of how beautiful we are. Especially restaurants. They try to flirt with you and give you things free.

Naomi and I have a blog and I guess it's popular so people give us more free stuff to be in it.

"He likes you you know, King T'Challa. Who knows you can be the next Queen of Wakanda" she says seriously.

"Girl we both damn know well that I'm not Queen Material and I don't want to talk about him" I sigh.

Later that night, Naomi was helping me by distracting the men guarding the school. I got in the building. It was dark and quiet. They knew someone was coming. I feel like it's a set up. Someone jumped right in front of me and guess who it is?

"After our conversation yesterday I thought you were done coming" I sigh.

"I'm still waiting for a thank you" he says.

"How did you know I will be here? Have you been stalking me?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm the king, I know everything" he respond.

Before I could reply, huge pain appeared at my right rib cage area. I soon realized I was shot. Even as I was shot, all I could think about were the young girls being captured and Naomi. I fell to the ground with the place getting darker and darker.

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