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Three Years Later...

  It's been three years since Alex and I were happily married and we are still in love like our weddings was yesterday.We had Brielle on May 4,2014
A few months after we were married and she is now three years old.

  I was sitting at the kitchen table doing work and Brielle came out of her room with a small smile.

"Mommy,when are uncle Zack and Rian and grandpa coming?"Brielle asks with a small smile to me and Alex.

Alex laughed and looked at me then back at our daughter with a smile and lifted her into his lap.

"They'll be here soon."Alex said and they went into the living room to watch Teen Titans Go because why not she's a young kid.

I soon closed my laptop and joined them on the couch with a small smile at my family.I took a picture of Alex and Brielle and posted it to social media with the caption 'Two peas in a pod watching Teen Titans Go!' And laughed.There was a knock at the door and I saw the guys come in with a smile.

  Brielle saw them and smiled running up to them with her arms up in the air waiting for one of them to pick her up.Zack came over because he adored her and picked her up spinning her around in his arms squealing.

I laughed at the two of them and Alex came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist and looked at our daughter with admiration and I looked at him and he looked at me and we finally kissed.

I finally found my one and only from the band I had adored for so many years and here he is as my husband and now we have a small family who will forever be happy.

The End.

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