Meeting of the Rebel VKs

Comenzar desde el principio

"Passed! Alright, anyway- what is it now, Lou?"

"Can I be the secretary?"

"Why do we need a secretary?"

"Y'know, to take minutes."

"Why not?"


"Okay, so we need to focus on the reason I called this meeting. The wand."

"Parent day is coming up. I bet-" Lou began.

"No good," Harry said, "That was the downfall of both Mal and Uma."

"True," I said.

"Wait!" Lou exclaimed "I've got it! Just leave it to me!"

And with that, he ran out the door.

"What was that about?" Genevieve asked.

"I don't know but until we do know I suggest we all go to bed and call another meeting when we know. Until then stay low key," I said.


"Any idea what Lou's up to?" Ned asked.

"No, but I trust him."

"Well he's a servant here at Auradon so what if-"

"Ned, I know a weakling when I see one."

We were going to lunch with all the Rebel VKs and hasn't seen Lou all day.

"Oh look there's Tony. Um, what's on your jacket Ned?"

Ned glanced down at his jacket sleeve and yelped then handed me how food tray and grabbed a napkin and began rubbing the stain on his sleeve furiously.

"Oh curses. That liquid is worst than I thought. Maybe if I-" he walked away muttering and running his sleeve.

Hm, wonder what he's up to.

"Hey!" Tony called walking over to me.

"Hi. Um, do you know what's up with Ned?" I asked.

Tony widened his eyes."You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?" I growled.

Tony rubbed his eyes and sighed."Chemistry class has happened."


"Yup. He's been mixing and muttering and keeping me up all night."

I frowned. Had Ned turned into a nerd on me?

"Have you seen Lou?"

As if on cue Lou appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Tony and my arms and began practically dragged us behind a building making us drop our lunch trays. His eyes were bright and excited and a bit... mischevious.

"What is it?" I asked, seeing it was important.

Lou held up a pair of keys.

"What's that too?" Tony asked.

"The forcefield to fairy godmother's wand."

"There's a key to the forcefield?" I asked.

"Of course! How else would we get the wand out?" Lou asked.

"Well I don't know about you but every time I've been to the exhibit I haven't seen a keyhole," Tony pointed out.

Lou looked at him quizzically. "Of course not. Locks can be picked. The lock is under the exhibit. Only people who work at Auradon have access to the room it's in.

I smiled.

"Perfect. Then tonight we attack."Lou shook his head."Not tonight."


"It's the queens birthday. How did you not know this?"

I shrugged. "Why do I care? She's not going to be queen for long."


We all jumped in surprise and turned to see Ludwig quickly striding towards us.

"Ludwig! Buddy how's it-" Lou began, trying to put the keys out of site.

"Keys. Now."

Ludwig held out his hand and glared.


"You're not on duty. Only people on duty are allowed to have the keys."

Lou shrugged and handed him the keys.

"Lou, I would like a word with you. Alone," Ludwig side glanced at Tony and me.

"Why? I want to hang with my friends for a bit."

Ludwig's face turned a lovely color of red.

"Your shift is starting in ten minutes anyway and you need to get in your uniform," he breathed angrily.

I never thought I'd see someone like Ludwig look like his head was about to blow off over a thing like this.

Lou looked at me as if asking permission.

I shrugged then leaned forward and whispered in his ear "I'm not your brain. I shouldn't have to help you make choices."

He nodded then followed Ludwig out of the alley.

"Queen's birthday, huh?" I said to Tony.

"Are you going to try to take the wand in front of everyone?" he asked.

I frowned and turned the matter over in my brain than shook my head.

"That was Mal and Uma's downfall. Not tonight but soon. Very soon."

Ziniba Daughter of Scar, DecendentsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora