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summer's pov:

"summer darling, wake up." it was dad walking into my room, he had someone with him but i didn't really know who it was laughing with him.

it must be uncle jordan or uncle george, reason why im guessing it was those two idiots simply because they laugh over the smallest and stupidest things known to mankind. known to me, which is bigger and more important than mankind.

george laughs at how i mistake certain things with others or how i act when someone tells me im wrong, and just ahead of time. don't do that.

as much as i may love you or take interest, i will end you or put your ass on a strict silent treatment longer than your whole existence. im always right, and everybody knows that so don't try it.

he also laughs at the words 'penis' and 'boobie' and he's almost forty eight, contemplates buying a toupee, and has three dogs at home besides ava.

he laughs at my dad when he forgets his wallet, which isn't even funny at all. it's just sad and pathetic. a former superstar forgets his wallet simply because of age and forgetfulness.

and jordan, don't get me started. he laughs at himself more than he laughs at others, except me. in which, ill get to that in a moment just let me explain the stupidity.

he laughs every time he takes a nude, scribbles on it in snapchat and never sends it, cooks dinner then blows his 'fat clouds' on the food to make it 'lit' and 'delicious', and more so he laughs at the belly he grew from the booze he's consumed over the years.

he laughs at me the most though.

he laughs at my hair when i haven't brushed it, my face when ive just woken up from a night of drinking, and my choice of makeup when it's needed at a party, family gathering, or public shows and movie premieres.

he laughs at the colors of my nails when i get them done occasionally to my desire, whether they be pink, black, or rainbow.

he's just a laughingstock in my opinion, more so a man child with a belly and snapback glued to his big head.

but the reasons they'd be here laughing would have to be from me waking up at six and having to get ready for a day of education and hundreds of fresh faces judging me as i walk the halls between each and every period that most likely has a fat teacher who couldn't get out of the town fast enough.

that's just for the both of them.

george would be laughing because he did the same thing to ava when it was her first day of school and how she reacted to early mornings and hormonal people.

my dad would be laughing at the fact that he has a moody, tomboy daughter getting up to go to school for the first time in her sixteen years of her lousy, trashy, public existence.

and well, jordan is jordan. he'll laugh at any spongebob episode you put on and not have any shame. hell, he'll even laugh at fucking dora the explorer when he's stoned or drunk.

and yet it still doesn't surprise me.

"it's time to go to school." he was seriously giggling now, i guess that's why my uncles have been throwing his name around on social media and have been visiting him much more than they usually have.

i couldn't help but to roll my eyes, grabbing the pillow above my head and putting it over my ears to block out the annoying cackles and small jokes about how 'she's so cranky' and how 'shes not a morning person, man'

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