Ch 8 - A Natural Defense

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Sid saw three droplets of the yellow metal fall down from where the captain was dangling and when they landed onto the deck, they became sizzling drops of blood. "Did he get him?" Sid cried.

"OW! It's hot!" Luffy roared with both hands clenched tightly around the staff.

"Yahahaha," Enel laughed, "So even if electricity doesn't shock you, the electric heat that builds up on the trident is different, huh?"

"Gum-Gum!" Luffy yelled, fighting through the searing pain in his hands and kicking up one foot high into the air, "Battle Axe!"

Even if Enel sensed his attack, he had nowhere to run since Luffy was still holding tightly to his weapon. He brought his foot down, sending the fake god hurtling down to the ship. He landed with a harsh crash, going through the deck but he didn't stay down for long.

"How dare you, you brat!" Enel seized, poking his head out of the hole he created.

"Gum-Gum...Gatling!" Luffy shouted as he fell back down to the deck.

A cloud of his punching fists came down in a barrage but Enel's mantra was ready for him. Enel smirked and grabbed Luffy by the wrist. He took advantage of the extended limbs and used it to whip Luffy downward, causing him to crash just as hard as he did.

"It's not like you grew multiple arms," Enel scoffed.

"Luffy!" Sid and Nami gasped.

Enel's eyes moved towards them and he twirled his trident in his hand. "I'm God, so I'll do everything as I please. I will create a world that I see fit. I won't let some clueless Blue Sea brat that suddenly showed up get in my way....or you, Shandian..."

Sid's jaws clenched and she instinctively made a grab for her spear but that only seemed to amuse Enel. He raised an eyebrow and his smirk widened. 'Do you dare try what others have failed?"

Sid's mind raced for any possible outcome that would have her survive getting hit by lightning but nothing came to mind. Even if she knew or had whatever this magical rubber was, she wouldn't know the first thing about using it. Defense aside, she didn't even have the proper offense. Physical attacks wouldn't work on him. It was one thing to fight a man, with bones and muscles that functioned normally but Enel was no man.

"What was it that you promised that old man this morning?" Enel taunted and rubbed his chin.

Sid stiffened. Her mind went blank and she dropped her spear. "What...what did you say?"

"That's right. You promised him you would win the war and come back alive. Yahahhaha," Enel laughed, "How did you plan on doing that? You couldn't even save any of the other Shandians. They all dropped like flies."

His smirk than turned into a disgusted sneer. "I thought you all would put up more of a fight. How disappointing."

For a split second, all Sid could see was red and that was all the time she needed to lapse on her judgement.

"Die, you false god!" Sid cried as she skated forward with her waver and jumped in mid-air, launching herself skates first at Enel.

He caught her by the ankle and he laughed right in her face, while her skate was only mere inches away from him. "HA! Let me guess. Sea Prism Stone in your skates like the other one?" he crowed as flickers of lightning passed through his hand, casually burning her skin and sending shockwaves through her legs.

"What does your mantra tell you?" Sid said through gritted teeth as she pulled back her arm.

Enel cocked his head to the side and then his smirk vanished. He didn't even have time to widen his eyes as Sid sent a hard punch across his face with one of Wyper's skate in her hand.

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