The Melody of a Lost Soul

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‘Wow.’ She thought to herself, as she stood in awe, at the gateway of the Carnival. Dark grey clouds stood out against the sky; multiple shades of orange, pink and yellow, like an abstract painting. Waves crashed against the cliffs below, as she watched the sun set below the horizon. She felt childish, but every time her eye caught sight of the huge Ferris wheel, the one true sign of a carnival, her heart raced, and her face lit up like a flame of a candle. The Carnival was the one true place where she could get away, be free for a few hours, and escape from reality. As she walked into the Carnival, the sun long gone out of sight, a sudden gust of wind blew her long, wavy jet- black hair behind her, causing her to wrap the light jacket she was wearing, tighter around herself.

The sounds of the Carnival brought her out of her thoughts, and she began to observe. The Ferris wheel rose above everything else, headed for the deep gloomy clouds. Music coming from the children’s section played loudly in her ears. Multiple aromas covered the air, making her scrunch up her nose in disgust at the fatty foods, and patches of others conversations surrounded her, making her feel smothered; needing break away from the crowded entrance. She broke free from the crowd, finding an empty spot in the corner, where only a mother and her child stood, the small boy trying hard to convince his mother to allow him into the haunted house. She smiled at the woman, who grimaced in return. The mother pulled the screaming child away, obviously embarrassed of his outburst, leaving her alone, as she wondered what she should do first.

People rushed around her, a blur, as she made her way towards one of the stalls, passing by the house of mirrors. A grin lit up on her face as she passed, that would be the last thing to do whilst there, as it was her all time favourite. Reaching the stall, she handed the bored looking teenager the small fee to be able to play the game, and sat down, in front of the moving clowns, their mouths agape, rotating left to right, right to left, as if they were in shock, unable to believe what they just saw. A small girl was playing two clowns down, concentrating with her tongue sticking out of her food covered mouth. She picked up the three white balls, and placed them in the clowns’ mouth, finishing at the same time as the child. She watched as the child’s face went from joy to dismay, as the teenager told her she hadn’t won. The toddlers’ mother, who was standing behind her, picked her up, and began walking away. The teen told her she could pick a prize, and she picked the pink unicorn, having seen the child look at it, as if somehow she could magically have it. Rushing to the departing pair, she handed the unicorn to the little girl, her smile worth more than some stuffed toy. The girl thanked her, and then walked away with her mother, gripping the toy as if it was a prized possession.

Small drops of rain began to fall from the dark sky, as the carnival drew to a close some few hours later. She rushed towards the house of mirrors, having been on just about every ride, and participated in almost all of the games. The crowds were thinning out, as the water got heavier, and the Carnival began to draw to a close. She paid the aging man running the house of mirrors, and made her way towards the room. She stood there, her eyes running wild as she looked at the distorted image reflected around her. She laughed, a carefree laugh, enjoying herself, and not noticing as the second person came in. A man, not much older than herself, clad in dark clothing, jeans and a black hooded shirt joined her, leaning against one of the many mirrors. She turned around, and jumped, finally noticing him. She couldn’t see his face, which was covered by the dark hood. She put her hand to her heart, as if symbolizing that he scared her, and he looked up, the hood falling from his face.

She stood there, staring at him, silently analyzing his gorgeous face. His eyes were to die for, a bright blue, his shaggy hair a deep black, covering most of his face. She noticed he had a scar, running from his eye down his cheek to his lips. The scar, one might thing, would distort his face, but to her, it only made him better looking. She blushed, realizing she had been staring at him for way to long, and began to search for the door, criticizing herself in her mind. The man was handsome, she had to admit, mysterious, but definitely drool worthy. Finally finding the exit door, she looked back at him, only to find that he was standing right behind her. She jumped again, tripping in the process. She closed her eyes, waiting for impact, but instead feeling his buff arms catch her. She blushed again, becoming flustered at his cute antics.

She stood quickly, facing away from him. She reached for the door handle, only for him to wrap his arms around her, pinning her wrists to her sides. She began to struggle, wondering what he was trying to do, but she failed escaping him. Turning to face him, she noticed a smirk plastered on his face. Distracting him with a quick kiss, she escaped him, and quickly turned the handle, running out of the small room, which was slowly closing in on her. She began running; only looking back to notice he wasn’t behind her. She stopped, finally noticing that there was nobody around, only herself. She ran towards the exit, but found him standing there. Running until she was a few metres away from him, she froze, watching him, wondering why he was doing this.

She watched him, as he began to writhe in pain, collapsing to the ground. She noticed something sprouting out of his back. As he struggled, screaming out in pain, she took small, cautious steps towards him, feeling sorry for the creature. Stopping a metre away from him, she watched, as two wings, as black as the night sky, emerged from his back. Her hand clasped over her mouth, in shock, as if stopping her from screaming, which was pointless, nobody was around, nobody would hear her. Finally, he stopped squirming, and lay there, face down, panting, catching his breath, before standing up, that signature smirk still planted on his face. She panicked, turning on her heel, and ran from him. She could hear him laugh, as she ran, and she shivered, the cool air nipping at her skin. She turned around, and noticed him flying behind her, gaining the distance between them. She sprinted, pushing herself, willing herself to escape from him, not noticing the tree root in front of her. She tripped, falling flat on her face, the air escaping from her lungs. She tried to scramble away from him, as he loomed above her.

He grabbed her arm tightly, making her wince in pain, as he pulled her to himself, pinning her arms against her side, as if daring her to try escape. She closed her eyes, wishing this all to be a dream, as his pitch black wings began beating against the wind, the couple rising higher and higher, disappearing into the night sky. She knew now, that all was lost, her soul, one that would not be missed, nor remembered, being only one being out of the seven billion that populate the place she was so used too. She just existed, never noticed, just an outcast, only visible to those with the wildest imaginations. She was, but an angel, bound for an eternity of despair and sadness, constantly tortured by the man, who captured her tonight; who chased her in and out of different eras, believing she belonged to him and only him.

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