Chapter 1

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“Columbiana!!” , I heard my dad yell,
Ughh not again!!! I switched on my phone to look at the time,
What a lovely start! In fact it would've being more encouraging if the person who woke me up wouldn't go back to bed himself. And it's so cold!!!
“Dad I'm up now!”, I cut him off.
I got up to go upstairs to my other room. Yes I have two rooms, one downstairs for sleeping only, and one upstairs for my clothes and other stuff. And no I don't have two rooms because daddy loves me so much, I have two rooms because my aunt said I'm not worth living with everyone else, if that even makes sense. She always has something to say about everything.
I collapsed on my second bed when I reached upstairs and dozed off again waiting for my dad to threaten me to wake up for the last time....

“Columbiana I swear if I find you there!!!”
This man never gets tired of shouting, my ears are at the verge of permanent deafness.
I woke up immediately to go brush my teeth and take a quick bath.
When I was done I went to the third floor to sweep and mop as fast as I can and do my other chores. I just hope he won't change his mind about me going to visit my cousins.
After doing everything I should do I went to take my breakfast only to face my aunt's wrath..

“Columbiana, I saw a  very inappropriate dress in your wardrobe, where did you get it from? I just hope you didn't steal again to buy such a dress, you might as well throw it because I don't think we want a hooker in this house, if you know what I mean”, she smirked mischievously at me.Way to ruin my plan, lovely aunt, I thought sarcastically.

"Yes we don't want a hooker here but it's unfortunate that we already have one, and that's you", I wanted to say.
The way this woman gets on my nerves! She's talking as if she doesn't wear shorter dresses.

“Uh no it's not mine it's my cousin's”, I lied innocently
“Which cousin?”, I panicked when I heard where that came from. Dad. Oh Lord please no!
“Um Zala”, I answered but immediately regretted saying that because I know what he will say next.
“You're not going there again, she seems a bad influence”, he confirmed my thoughts.

I walked away quickly before she says anything to ruin my plans or make my dad to change his mind.
After breakfast which was just a slice of bread and sugarless tea I got ready to go to my cousin's, Mila. I just hope my plan works this time....
I stuffed a golden shoe and a new blue dress I got from my friend as a pre-birthday gift with a few makeup essentials in my black bag and headed off.

Hey lovely readers! I'm sorry this chapter is a bit too boring and short but I promise the next chapter would be better! Please don't forget to point out my mistakes. I love you all!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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