square 34- a oneshot?!1?

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a/n: welcome to my first oneshot. lol. prison au. yueah. no quirks. uh. like the tiitle? lol.

"goodbye everyone, i'll remember you all in therapy" by tsusuda

Not even a minute into prison and he hits his head on a wall. What's worst is that somehow the gods of cliche decided, "Oh hey, this is a great time to put the "The wall is a person" cliche!" and now Todoroki is at the mercy of not one, but two other inmates.

"This is the new guy, right?" The red-haired guy on his left asks, looking over to his partner, who was holding onto Todoroki's other arm.

"Obviously! Are you stupid?? If he wasn't, then we would have known him already." The other one says, putting his hand on his hips as if he wasn't even trying to restrain Todoroki in the first place. Okay, maybe he actually was, and just stupid, because when Todoroki sent a kick to his face he dodged.

Grabbed both of his hands and put them behind his back, like he was arresting him. But you can't really arrest someone who's already in jail, nor can you arrest them without handcuffs. 

Two minutes into prison and he already got into a fight.

"Oi, dude! CALM DOWN! We're gonna take you to the boss, okay?" The blonde-haired one who he kicked rubbed his face, as he stood up and took ahold of Todoroki's right arm once more.

So he was gonna meet the big bad guy of the big bad guys. That's nice. Maybe if the police had two braincells who didn't belong to his father's reputation, they would have maybe heard him out and arrested the flaming piece of trash instead.

As he was contemplating all his life choices up til' now, the two guys that were holding him tossed him into someone's cell. He looked up at the "big bad guy of all big bad guys". He looked surprisingly less ugly than Todoroki expected.

 The guy was muscular, oh yeah, he also had tattoos, but he didn't have the giant and moldy yellow teeth or the giant nose. He had a couple of scars below one of his crimson eyes, and his ash-blonde hair stuck out in all directions, but if Todoroki were to be completely honest, he's kind of attractive. Kind of.

"So? Are you just gonna sit there on the floor and watch me? Why don't you take a god damn picture? It will last longer." The was sitting on the top bunk with his legs crossed like a king. Well, he seemed to carry himself like one, so he passed.

"Well, I was dragged here by two of your goons. Maybe you should introduce yourself first." Todoroki said, and crap, he shouldn't have. Being sarcastic in front of the big bad guy of the big bad guys? It seemed to be like a death wish. 

"Fine then." The Big Bad King, (don't judge.) jumped down from the bunk, landing down in front of Todoroki. "Bakugou Katsuki. Get on my bad side and you're not getting food for a week."

Five minutes into prison and he's being threatened by the Big Bad King. He hoped that this was just his luck, and this wasn't actually how prison went, because god bless Midoriya if it does.

"Um.. Okay.. I'm Todoroki Shoto." Todoroki says, not getting up from his awkward position on the floor.

"I didn't ask for an introduction, but okay. So what are you in for?" Bakugou says, sitting down across from him.

Todoroki sighed, not giving a clear answer at first. It was when Bakugou started tapping his foot on the floor did he respond. "Framed." 

"Framed? So you're a good boy?" Bakugou grinned, again not getting an immediate response from Todoroki. Is it wrong to think that this is hot? Todoroki doesn't know, doesn't care. (listening to the deadman wonderland op really sets the mood)

"I see. Not responding again? Whatever. I'll see you at dinner." Bakugou says, before grabbing Todoroki by his collar and throwing him out of the cell.

"I'll have fun ruining you."

(oh god, okay that was horrible. im horrible at writing these types of things because i have no motivation ;-;. it's also hard for me to write first and second chapters because i like to get right into the action..)

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