"Well, still give it some thought and then let me know okay?" He says with another smile, and I nod my head at his words.

He was going to continue writing when his phone goes off suddenly, dragging his entire attention to look at the caller ID.

His expression is one I haven't seen on his before, and I think it was a look of hesitation, but he answers the phone nonetheless.

"Magritte hey, how come you called- wait- okay calm down-"

After those words, I tried to block out conversation, being able to focus all my concentration on the hot coco as a distraction.

"Taehyung," I hear my name being called more urgent that his usual calm tone, instantly bringing back my attention to him. "Do you think you can wipe down the counter and lock up for me, there's an emergency and I need to go."

I nod my head as I get up right away to go complete my tasks, almost making it out the door before hearing, "Honey, don't cry, the baby will be fine. I'll be their in a heart beat." and that's when I realise what bothered me.

This can never be my home.

I began wiping the counter rather mindlessly after locking the front door, my eyes landing on the necklace casing and gradually dragging me back into my thoughts.

That girl from before had bought the last pair today.

Staring at the empty casing, I touch my neck unconsciously for it, but it's not there for me to hold. A depressed wave washes over me when I think about it not being with me. My eyes well up thinking about it.

Hey Jimin, are you perhaps holding onto it, wondering where I am? Or did you know your dad would drop me off at an orphanage? To give me away and abandon me. Did you know he would do that on the night you locked me out?

Hey Jimin,  Arthur has a family, though I know there was a little trouble going on between them, I can tell by his tone on the phone that he loves them very much. I don't think I can be apart of it. He has a wife and a kid, there's no space for a stray dog like me.

Hey Jimin, he still offered me a home. But no matter how comfy and safe it is, it doesn't feel like a home; I don't think it ever will. The only time I ever felt at home, was next to you. Do you miss me, because I miss you so much, and I really want to see you.

Hey Jimin, is it okay if I come back to you?


When Mr. Arthur's cold was finally gone, I told him my decision.

We reached back at the lodge early in the morning, my heart beating quickly out of nervousness.

I stare at the house, too many thoughts going through my head for me to even catch one.

"Do you want me to come in with you," he asks me after a while, clearly seeing how anxious I was.  "After all, they should know you were taken care of after you ran away."

Ran away? I ask myself, wondering what he meant. But then I remember; its what I told him happen after I showed up at his shop.

"No," I say a little quickly, catching myself and slowing down my words. "It's okay I'll be quick." and with that I get out of his car and head for the front door.

Hesitantly, I ring the doorbell, a small amount of my tension cooling down when no one came to the door.

Slowly, I began to panic until I remembered there was a spare key under the mat, unlocking the door with it; my anxiety levels raising again as I turn the knob.

Walking in, a nervous smile was stuck on my face. Then when I realised how lifeless and empty the placed look, my face dropped, and my heart wanted to stop.

I was so hesitant to see them, but now that I can't find them, I look throughout the house urgently in pursuit of them.

I opened every door there is, looked around every corner, but no one was here.


I run into his room again, my eyes darting around the room, the entire place just looking completely dim and empty. I dart for my room one more time, not knowing what I expected when I open the door for a second time. But I still hoped that he'd just appear out of nowhere, and when my wish didn't come true, reality finally felt like it punched me in my stomach.

They aren't here.

I walk into the room slowly, looking at how abandoned it seem. Dust particles danced in the air as the sun beams highlighted each one, and I couldn't help but feel defeated. Sitting down on the bed, I held back helpless tears that wanted to come out.

I don't know where he is.

A glare hits me in the eye as I move to get up, drawing my attention to where it came from. I make my way to desk, wondering what could be so shiny. The necklace sat on top of a box, shining in the rays of the sun that beamed down on it.

Relief washed over my depression for a second, my mind feeling a little eased that I finally found it.

Something else catches my eyes as I began to put on the necklace, and my heart skipped a beat when I read "for Taehyungie, the boy who stole my heart" written on the box.

I open it cautiously, unsure on what I'll see, and inside was a camera and some letters with dates and the title "To Taehyung".

Each day was after the other, and the last one ended yesterday. I picked it up gently, staring at the paper texture in the light, and admiring his handwriting which I loved to look at.

I open the newest one with upmost care, afraid to damaged such a fragile thing; my heart beating in my ear.

The words felt like it had set my heart, body, and mind on fire, burning me from the inside out. A droplet lands on the white making it look gray, and I hadn't realized that I was crying until then.

"Please wait for me, so we can celebrate your birthday together. " It said, written in his beautiful hand writing, and to the bottom, almost like it was hiding but drew all my attention to every curve that contained it, said

"I love you" -Jimin

"Are you sure you don't want to come back with me? " Arthur asked me after I told him that I decided to stay.

"That is kind Mr Arthur, and I thank you for caring for me, but it's okay."

"I don't know Taehyung, their not even here now" he persisted, not completely set on just leaving me here.

"They'll come back, they left a note." I reassure him, confidence shaping my words.


I give him a tight hug, a puff of air leaving him as I basically ran into him. He hugs me back right away, rubbing my shoulder to soothe me.

Burying my head in his chest, I almost wanted to cry. "I am forever grateful for your hospitality, but I'm really fine."

He pulls away and to look at me, his face yelling worried as he rubbed my head my head with affection.

"Mr. Arthur I can't go back with you." I finally say, letting him know that I wasn't gonna change my mind.

"Why?" He questions quietly, waiting for an answer that he could understand.

"He is my home to return too."

Then I see it on his face, a look of satisfaction. He gives me an honest smile, and holds me close once more.

"Be safe," he says before he gets in his care and drives away, leaving me to watch his car disappear behind the trees.

I sit down on the stairs, looking at the greenery around me. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath as I let the sun sit on the face and the cold breeze to refresh me.

He wrote to me that he'll come back, and I believe that. I always believe him, so I'll be waiting.

I'll wait for you to come back home to me, Jimin.

That One Summer 《 Vmin 》Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu