Chapter 3

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So what's up guys. I just saw that i didn't upload the photo of Jooheon in the last chapter so i'll just put it in now so in the picture below you see Jooheon. I put it back in chapter two but if you didn't see it now you see him.
Peace out✌

The once fun party had now turned into a chaotic event where superheros were fighting againt goddamn robots

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The once fun party had now turned into a chaotic event where superheros were fighting againt goddamn robots.

Rava looked around seeing how the rest of the group was doing. First she scanned the room for the most important one of the group Steve and she that he was doing quite well. Then she saw that the rest of the avenvers were handeling the robots pretty good. Something that made the girl relieved.

Turning around she saw Helen Cho crouched behind the piano in fear. One of the Iron Legions walking towards her, like a predator about to cath his prey.

"Oh hell no, you dumb thing." mumbled the young heroine to herself. She kicked her foot in towards the robot. Manipulating the air to come together and throw the mechanic thing threw the window rather hard.
The instantly ran towards the helpless doctor on the floor.
"You okay?"
The doctor nodded with wide eyes feeling scared but she was also amazed by how the young girl infront of her threw out that Iron Legion with such force.
Rava looked around and saw that Steve and Sam were hiding behind a table.
A robot heading towards them.
"Okay i'm gonna help my dad and then i'll come right back."
Rava smiled one more time at the doctor reassuringly before running towards the table and sending a large chunk of the floor towards the bot.

Helping her adoptive dad and friend Sam up from the floor she heard Nat speak. "He's gone. Ultron got away."

Rava snapped her head towards the area of the piano and saw that Helen Cho was also gone.
The guilt immediatly getting to her she could barely speak up.
"H-he has also taken dr. Cho."

Hearing the tone in her voice Cap immediatly turned around to look at the girl.
She was murmering something. You could only hear it if you concentrated hard enough.
"I-it's m-my fault. I-i left her there."
The super soldier grabbed her hands in an instant.
"Hey, hey it's not your fault."
He spoke in his fatherly voice.
He slightly smiled looking down at the girl.
"You tried to help as many of us as you could. You couldn't have prevented this."

The girl looked up at the man who always knew exactly what to say to cheer someone up.

"Thank you, dad."


There was a bit of tension in the group now that was revealed that Tony and Bruce were working on a secret project using Loki's scepter.

Rava knew that it wasn't a good thing what the two of them did but she also knew that the intentions were good. And hey everyone makes mistakes.
Well maybe not this big but everyone makes them. We're only human.

Now walking into the lab she spotted just the man she was looking for.
"Eyo what's up, Bruce my man."
The man looked up at her with a weird expression not really knowing what to respond to what the girl had just said.
"My man?"
The girl chuckled at the awkward man sitting infront of him.

Her face turned in a serious expression.
"Now are you ready or do you wanna chat all day."
The girl smirked raising an eyebrow.

The two were walking in the halls of the Avengers Tower when Bruce spoke up.
"So what is it exactly what we are going to do?"
The girl turned her head towards the man smiling.
"Well it's a sort of meditation method kinda thing. All the students at the airtemple where taught how to use it to control their anger or other extreme emotions. I used to do it alot but i was always interrupted by my friend Jooheon."
She smiled sadly at the memories.
Bruce saw the saddened expression on Rava's face and layed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at the girl.
"Well thank you for doing this with me. I know it must be hard to think about them."

The girl smiled up at him thankfully. She remembered him struggling with his anger and she offered the man some help.
When he accepted she spent hours thinking about methods she learned at the airtemple.
For days she did not sleep wanting to find the perfect way.

"Well this is it, Bruce. We're here."

"It's four pipes in a large hall." he said unimpressed.
The girl turned around giving him a look as if saying 'really'.
"What do you think these four connected pipes are for?"
The man shrugged in response.

Rava smiled and then began to wotk on opening the door.
In the first pipe she let air soar through it.
Looking up Bruce saw a round stone with the airsymbol on it turn over.
Then water flew into the second pipe and again a round stone turned over.
Rava did this again with earthbending.
When she was about to use firebending she warned Bruce that is might be hot and adviced him to step back.

Now all four stones were turned over in the wall and the door began to open up.
When Bruce saw only a glimpse of what's inside he had his mouth wide open in wonder.
"Sooo you like it?"
The man nodded stepping inside still looking around the place in awe.

"How is this possible?"
The girl giggled at his reaction.
The room was like a garden with a projector pointing at the ceiling making it look as if it was a beautiful night with a full moon.
In the middle of the room was a pond.
On sides of the room were rocks.

"Tony created it for me. He told that if i ever needed some time alone or wanted to contact the spirit world or just anything like that i could come here."
The girl looked around aswell smiling in adoration.
"And the design? I can't imagine Tony made this up."
Rava smiled in return and responded.

"There was this little place very close to the airtemple. I would go there often. The pond was a special one. Inside were two fish. One as black as the night and one as white as the moon. They were the ultimate power of the moon. The airmasters said i was found and probably born in that same pond. Those fish have immense powers. I even think they could do something as incredible as bring someone back from the dead... With my help ofcourse."

Bruce was amazed by the place and all the stories the girl would always tell him.

"Now shall we begin."

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