Chapter one

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Chapter 1

I stared at my alarm clock, waiting for it to ring. I woke up before the alarm again. Today I woke up 15 mintues before the alarm, which is 5 minutes earlier than yesterday. I scoffed at myself, why does this always happen to me? I've managed to wake up before the alarm clock everyday, which isn't exactly a shock since I'm a natural early bird but lately I've been getting up eariler and earlier each morning. Even though I've been developing a habit of being a night owl. What is happening to my sleep schedule? Like, am I even sleeping anymore?

I slowly get up from my bed and start to walk towards my cluttered wooden shelf filled with romantic and fantasy books. I glanced at the books to see what I could take with me to school, the place I hated the most. I look over the titles, I've read all of these books, twice and some even five times or more. I felt like reading something new today, so I head over to my desk to see the pile of books my teachers or the libririan recommended to me.

The first book I see on the pile is a manga called, Bitten With Love, recommended by my Librarian, Janet.

I didn't even have to look at the description, because the cover said it all. It was a vampire love flick. The cover had two men hugging each other, one biting into the neck of the lotia looking one. I scim through it and happen to get caught in a page with an exploited sex scene and I instantly blush as I immediatly close it. One, my friendship with the Librarian was probably highly innapropriate. Two, THEY HAVE THESE TYPES OF MANGA'S AT MY SCHOOL LIBRARY!? And three, she knew me too dame well. I put the manga into my bag, and go back to looking at the other books.

Robotic Affair, recommened by my English Teacher, Mrs. Morris. By the title I can get the gist of it. It's science fiction and I wasn't exactly in the mood for science fiction today so I push it aside and look at the other book.

Mythology of Fantasy Creatures, recommended by my P.E. Teacher, Mr. Moore. I know, I know, weird right? Talking about books in physical education? Well Mr. Moore can tell I'm not exactly a physically active person, or a people person, he cuts me slack. It's a heavy book, but I take it anyway. I never have homework to work on in study hall, which is the purpose of that class and if you don't have homework to do you have to read. It's a pretty long and boring hour if you have no homework to finish or friends to talk to so I put the book in my bag. In my case carrying that heavy book is worth it.

Than I turn my attention to the last book, You're Not Alone, recommended by my history teacher Mr. Burms.

What?! I thought, picking up the book and reading the description. Oh. My. God. Did Mr. Burms, a 46 year old bald guy with no wife or kids or even a girlfriend give me a self help book? My God. The thought of that depressed me a bit, was I that noticeable lonely? Do I appear gloomy? I look over at the mirror, checking my expressions. Well for one thing I should be the last person to throw shade at Mr. Burms, I wasn't exactly one with a social life, not even on the internet. Well what a way to start a morning.

I start getting ready for school, put on some music while getting ready to block my mind from over thinking, but it was still bothering me.

I go into the kitchen, grabbing a poptart and the lunch money my mom left on the counter and start heading to the bus stop.

As I was walking over to the bus stop I couldn't help but think about the book Mr. Burms gave me, the title was echoing in my head, You're Not Alone. I have friends! Not exactly from my generation but I didn't think it was a bad thing... Was it?

I was the first one to my bus stop, I'm also the only person at my bus stop. Their used to be two other people, but one of them got their license so they drive to school now and the other is dating the one who can drive now, so now it's just me. I didn't mind it though, I prefered it this way. It was better than awkwardly standing there pretending not to notice their intense makeout session. What a horrible memory.

I glanced down the road, no bus. The music was still blasting in my ears to not even notice someone standing by me. I felt a little chill go down my spine once I backed up a bit.

"Whoa!" I gasped feeling my heart start to race. I quickly turned around to see a tall man, staring at me with a shock expression like I wasn't suppose to touch him.

"Watch it" he snapped, backing away from me.

Who is this guy? I thought I was the only one here at this bus stop... I guess being the only one is out of the window now. I didn't say anything to him, but then I thought about the book mr. burms gave me you're not alone.

Since it seems like am a loner, I know that Mr. Burms wants me to make friends, I glance at the tall guy who seemed to act I wasn't here anymore. But I couldn't speak to him at all, something about this guy just puts me on edge. But what it is? Was it the way he dressed or maybe it was he's attitude towards me? Either one could be it.

I cleared my throat trying to form words but it didn't seem to slip out. God? Why is this so hard.

The guy didn't seem to notice but kept looking forward, like he was focused on something or simply ignoring me. Most likely ignoring me.

The bus finally came and I walk in, getting an empty seat and the guy seemed to get a lot of the attention. Everyone looked at him and watched him until he got the seat. I didn't realized he was edgy in style, his raven hair was bushed back, with dark looming eyes, pale skin and dark clothes. Looked like he could be a vampire from a book or a show.


"Everyone please remember to ask questions if you don't get it, don't be shy." Mrs. Morris announced. "Especially you, Peter."

She walked around the class, passing a worksheet to all of us. Which had questions and lines about a book we're covering for the past two weeks.

I scanned it, and I could hear students already writing. I got this in the bag, it was too simply for me. But than I looked up to that guy from this morning. I didn't know why, but every time I see him he just gives me the chills. He didn't seem to notice me, hah like I cared.

He handed the paper to Mrs. Morris and she looked at him with amusement, like she seen something rare. She pointed to the empty seat that was I front of Peter who was dazed out looking at the wall. But soon snapped out of it once he seen the creepy guy. Yeah, I'll just call him that from now on.

The creepy guy took he's seat, and gotten attention from the kids who weren't busy doing the worksheet, like me. He's posture wasn't pleasing, sloughing down and acting like he was the only one in class.

I turned in my worksheet when the bell rang and made my way to my next class, until I seen the creepy guy again. But this time he seemed to notice me, he's face expression was so blank. What is going on here and why is the creepy guy looking at me?

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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