chapter 6: the truth

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So the next day everyone was at the park when suddenly Hayden saw Annie walking to the fountain

Hayden: Annie?
Annie: oh it's you, what's your name again?
Hayden: Hayden!
Annie: ok Hayden, nice to see you again we'll how about let's go back to our friends
Hayden: ok

So they head back to there friends

Annie: hey guys
All: hey!

Suddenly Annie remembered something with Hayden in it

Annie: I feel strange
Hayden: what is it Annie?

Then Annie fell to the ground

Jayden: omg Annie
Kenzie: omg Carson call the emergency, Hayden pick her up
All: ok

So the emergency came and brought her to the hospital

Doctor: anyone for Annie LeBlanc
Hayden: us!
Doctor: ok so Annie just have some flash backs from her past since she had memory loose well all you have to do is take her away from the person she hadn't remembered
Hayden: ok
Doctor: you can take her home now
All: thanks doc

Hayden: so she had memory loose?
Jayden: well....
Hayden: JUST SAY IT!
Jayden: fine of course she had memory loose, and its all your fault because you broke her heard so she ran home but all of a sudden she was car crashed
Hayden: why didn't you tell me
Jayden: because your with kenzie
Hayden: now tell me how to bring her back please
Jayden: we don't know

Then the doctor came again

Doctor: well I heard that you were asking how to bring her memory back Is if she had something that reminds her of her past that'll make her remember
Hayden: thanks doc

So they left and brought Annie to her home

Mrs. Katie: (slaps Hayden) how dare you Hayden, because of you my daughter had memory loose
Hayden: I'm so sorry
Mrs. Katie: well what can your sorry do to make my daughter heal
Hayden: I'm just sorry
Mrs. Katie: fine

So they took Annie and took care of her and no the next day

To be continued.......💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤

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