-16 || Pathetic Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

     "Prescott?" Melora said, trying to cut the girl off and get her away from Ilia. She nodded, a little more accepting of Melora than she was of anyone else. "You're challenging your superiors again."

     She narrowed her eyes immediately, and stormed off in the other direction, away from both Melora and Ilia. The two were left to snigger after her, since she was being rather pathetic over something that she should have simply left alone a while ago.

     They were still laughing when two more people approached them, slightly apprehensively when they realised just how much Melora and Ilia were giggling. Nonetheless, the first one cleared her throat and smiled, in attempt to set a good impression. Ilia, again, looked frustrated to see them. It was becoming more and more clear that Ilia Nyxeris pretty much hated her entire house.

     "What's wrong with Prescott this time?" the first girl grinned mischieviously. It was evident that by witnessing others suffer, she was highly entertained. "Did you insult her again?"

     "Don't side with her, Parkinson, I'm not in the mood," Ilia sighed, sounding exhausted. She flicked between the two fifth-years before her, and paused. "Don't you need to be revising for your O.W.L.s, anyway?"

     Pansy Parkinson made a face that somewhat resembled disgust and disapproval. The girl beside her, who Melora immediately recognised as her personal enemy's older sister - Daphne Greengrass - looked a little more quiet and unsure.

     Pansy scoffed. "We're supposed to be studying, yeah. But do you really think we're going to associate ourselves with Ravenclaws and Granger in the library? And it's no use trying to study in the common room."

     "I suggested one of the courtyards, but Pansy didn't want to go there," Daphne added, in hope of sounding a little more enthusiastic about her grades and education.

     "I don't blame you, if I'm honest," Ilia shrugged. "We haven't bothered much in the way of studying. It doesn't help that we've been banned from the library, either."

     Pansy grinned. Daphne took a little longer to respond, but she also reacted with a smile.

     "So, you don't like Ruth Prescott, do you?" Daphne asked, glancing around quickly, as though they were at risk of being exposed for something, and humiliated for it. When both Melora and Ilia shook their heads, her grin widened. "Good. My sister is literally obsessed with her. She admires her so much, and I'm honestly worried for her. Prescott isn't exactly a great role model."

     "Prescott isn't a great person in general," Melora said quite honestly, despite its brutality. "And Astoria - I'm sorry to say it - isn't much better."

     She was expecting some form of lashing out from Daphne, and prepared herself to block the incoming shots. But, to her surprise, the girl remained relatively calm. In fact, she was even capable of a laugh.

    "It's OK; I love her, but I see that too," Daphne shrugged. "I get complaints about her regularly."

     Melora opened her mouth to respond. She wanted to comment on how many problems her sister had added to, when they were not her place to do so, and how she wanted Daphne to just yell at Astoria, like siblings can. But she was distracted. One, single yell came from above them. It wasn't a scream, or a cry of pain. It was anger. Words were being formed, and aggressively thrown about.

     She was far too inquisitive for her own good. Melora was the first to take to the stairs, and get to the floor above them. She was closely followed by the other three, but she was the first to the scene.

     And there, before her, stood Ruth Prescott, absolutely drenched from head to toe in water. Surrounding her was a large puddle of water, which was being added to by the dripping liquid that crashed to the ground as it fell from her clothes. Her hair looked like a mop, and her face showed both horror and anger all at once. Melora shouldn't have found it so funny, but she was left to laugh into Ilia's shoulder in some attempt to disguise the humour she'd found within the situation.

     "I hate you both, Weasleys!" she screamed after a while, when the crowds had gathered to view what was going on. "And George, you're just as bad as your pathetic girlfriend! And don't you try to play the same game as she does, because I know what you're hiding!"

     Melora stopped laughing, and turned to face the girl before her. Prescott had also turned around, and upon seeing Melora stood there, paled very quickly. The Lestrange raised her eyebrows expectantly.

     "What was that you were just saying about me?" she asked, incredibly relaxed, given the situation. Prescott shook her head, and tried to move past, but Melora grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "You called me pathetic. I heard you, Prescott. And you're not getting away with it, whatsoever."

     "What makes you say that?" she replied quickly.

     "I suppose you'll find out soon enough," Melora stated confidently. Prescott furrowed her eyebrows at her, unsure of what to think. "Come on, Prescott, I can hardly start throwing the Unforgivable Curses at you. How bad could it be?"


     She watched Prescott practically run down the stairs, tears streaming down her face from embarrassment. The two fifth-years were beaming, and praised her for further humiliating the girl. The small crowd that had gathered began to disperse, and Melora grinned to herself. She started walking, assuming that Ilia would join her, but paused when she realised she hadn't. She turned to her.

     "Are you coming?" she smirked.

     "Melora," she said thoughtfully, a smile plastered on her face that was so wide Melora was beginning to worry over what she was thinking about. "I was just thinking about what you said. You got angry because she called you pathetic."

     "Yeah, so?"

     "Well, I'm just saying-" Ilia said, acting very proud of herself, "-that you never denied being George's girlfriend."

     In the moment, she nearly choked on her own breath. She shook her head immediately, leaving Ilia to laugh to herself. "I didn't need to say it. Everyone knows I wouldn't date George Weasley."

     Ilia only grinned in response, and began to walk ahead, leaving Melora to stand still, lost in thought. Ilia was laughing at her, and she suddenly felt her cheeks begin to burn.

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