Lesson- Part Fifteen

Start from the beginning

I looked up at him and my heart broke a little more when I found him staring at me with his chest heaving a little, heavy breathings coming his way while he waited in horror for my answer.

I wasn't sure of anything. If there was something that characterized me was my ability to avoid making decisions until the very last minute, right when they were unavoidable. However, I was completely sure of something: I didn't want Harry out of my life. I had already had a taste of what it was like, and even though I knew I could survive it, I just didn't want to live it again.

Shaking my head fervently, I took his hand in mine, pulling him to me until he had to put one of his knees on the bed so he wouldn't fall when he put his big hand around my face, kissing me slowly and pushing me down to the bed.

My fingers went to trace lightly on his skin, under his shirt, feeling him shiver when I ran my finger down his spine.

He broke the kiss, making me arch my back when he took his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest in a tight hug. With his face resting on my chest, he unhooked one of his arms, tracing his fingers on the corner of my tattoo.

"Did you know I had a girlfriend in London?" He suddenly asked and this feeling of disgust, directed to whoever it was that had been his girlfriend filled my body.

No, I didn't know, but please tell me more.

What the fuck? I was supposed to be his first girlfriend, the one girl that had made him said "Okay, you know what? Maybe I can do this." And now that had been taken away.

"No." I said, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"Yeah, her name was Lily. And I thought I loved her, you know?" He said, drawing circles on my skin and thank God he had his face down and was not looking at me cause the clenching of my jaw was pretty hard to conceal.

"You thought?"

"Yeah, she just, I don't know, it was never like this, like the way I feel with you."

With one hand, I started tangling my fingers through his hair in a lazy pace, enjoying the little caresses he was leaving on my body with feathery touches and small kisses.

"How do you feel about me?"

"Like the sun shines out of your ass."

"Harry!!!" I laughed and slapped his arm. "Come on, be serious."

He smiled at me, propping himself up on his hands to hover over me, looking at me with a small smirk on his face.

"I feel like you're the prettiest thing put on earth." He said and I felt myself blush from my toes to my head, opening my mouth to deny such statement but being cut by his intense eyes on me. "Like I know I can live without you, but I really really really don't want to. Like I can imagine myself, 30 years from now still holding your hands."

"That's so sweet." I whispered, blinking several times so I wouldn't let the tears that were prickling in my eyes fall.

"You make me want to be sweet." He said, kissing my nose and going back to his original position.

We stayed silently for a while, both of us consumed by our thoughts, until I started to feel like my curiosity was going to eat me away.



"What happened to your e-friend?"

"I cheated on her." He said quickly, almost as if he didn't want me to understand what he was saying.

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