Lesson- Part Fourteen

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, can we just leave?"

We walked to his car, which was thankfully parked not so far away from the building we were in, the tense air being noticed by Harry, who kept looking at me nervously and worriedly.

"So," He said when we were inside the car, after a walk in silence. I had barely looked at him, not wanting to allow me to convince myself not to ask him if he had fucked Sam. There was a part of me that could easily just go on with life just burying Sam's words deep down and moving on with my life as if nothing had happened. "did you have fun last night? Or did you miss me a lot?"

"It was good." I said, looking out of the window.

"Babe, what's going on? You're weird."

"Just drive, Harry."

He sighed, pulling away from the parking lot and getting to his apartment in a record time, if I may add. A couple of times, I actually saw my life passing by in front of my eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked me when he slammed the door of his car closed.

"You didn't have to try to kill us." I snapped, walking to the entrance of the building with him trailing behind me, and pushing the button of the elevator so hard it was a fucking miracle I didn't break my finger.

"I'm sorry, my girlfriend doesn't talk to me and it frustrates me. You know I hate when you don't say what's bothering you." He said when we got into the elevator, the button for his floor already pushed with rage and force.

"Well, maybe you should've asked Sam to be your fucking girlfriend." I turned to look at him for the first time and I saw how his face went from confused to scared in just a second. His eyes went wide and I could've sworn he got a little paler.

"What are you talking about?" He asked me before I stormed off and walked to his door, opening the door with the key he had given me for emergencies. Everyone got one of those, apparently.

The door closed behind him and I turned to him, finally able to let all my rage and frustration out, to scream at him and get crazy mad, to tell him to go fuck himself and leave me alone. Instead, I looked at him and talked softly.

"Sam told me."

"I'm gonna need help here, Babe. What did she tell you?" He asked me and, even though his voice had gotten a lot calmer, there was still a hint on rage in it.

"She told me about you two, having sex at every opportunity you had. She told me she was the one you went looking for the night I told you about Pete."

"Babe..." He whispered, but I raised my hand to stop him.

"Unless your next words are "I didn't sleep with Sam. She's a crazy, lying bitch", I don't want to hear them, Harry."

"Babe, please..." He admitted and If I needed any push for my heart to break in a billion pieces, was exactly that, his lack of denying, his closed eyes and big sigh, the way he looked at me as if he was already asking for forgiveness.

"You did." I chuckled sadly, turning around to go stare out of the window. I hated being weak, I hated crying over a boy, and this was the second time I had found myself doing exactly that, just because of Harry. I didn't want him to see me crying. I wasn't going to let him see me crying.

"I did. But it isn't like that." He admitted and there was no way of stopping the fucking tears now. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was never going to be able to breathe again and I couldn't believe how fucking pathetic I was being.

"Save it, Harry." I bit my lip, turning around to go look for my bag. Harry tried to stop me, wrapping his fingers around my wrist, but I yanked back, not wanting to be in that apartment one second longer. Somehow the walls had started to shrink around me.

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