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Alice POV

It's been seven months now and E/n has been more tired and more big. Her back would always hurt so we had to give her massages to help her. She would always wake up complaining about stuff. Like her back is hurting or her feet hurt or random stuff. The new guy would always come late making me think something was up with him. I just don't like or trust him.

"Hey, e/n you still don't trust the new guy right?" I say, looking at her as she nodded her head.

"My guts tell me not to trust him even Bella doesn't like she would scratch or hiss at... I'm I right baby girl" says E/n, she started cooing and petting Bella aka the cat on her head making her purr. We started giggling at her we then heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" E/n says, the door open to show atem there. I smiled at them and got up and left.

Atem POV

"Hey um, E/n after you give birth to our unborn babies would you like to go to that garden?" I asked, she nodded her head fast she then stock her arms out telling me to give her a hug. I chuckled and walked over to her and gave her a hug and kiss.

"Yes, I would love to... It will be a promise between us two ok" Says E/n, I nodded my head and lay down next to her on our bed and put my head on her stomach.

"Hello, this is your father speaking... Don't hurt your mother to much... I don't need her to hit me and all that haha" I said, E/n hit my head softly giggling at me we then felt three kicks and one of them hit my face hard. Making my cheek turn a little red. E/n started laughing so hard making me smirk and started tickling her sides. She started tearing up from laughing so hard. I laughed with loving her laughs. I stopped and kissed her forehead and we both fell asleep.

~ Evil new guy POV~

I have been working for the pharaoh and the queen. They don't even know I'm working for lord Bakura hehe. I walked outside to the garden behind a bush to be greeted by lord Bakura. He was smirking at me.

"Hello my wonderful servant of darkness" Bakura says, he then handed me a small bottle of clear liquid. I grabbed it and give him a confused look.

"What's this" I asked, looking at the nettle him. His smirk got bigger.

"This is for the queen just pour it in the cup of water when she gives birth got it" Bakura said, he glared at making me nod my head fast. He then got up and ran away. Leaving me holding the small bottle I got up and went back inside. I bottle in my pocket and went into the servant chambers.

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