Chapter 10: FRANK'S POV

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Frank... here we go!


The minute I saw Leo, Sammy, whatever his name is, throw a fireball, I was terrified. I didn't know what him being a fire user would me for my life. Would he be the one to end my life by setting my stick ablaze? I hoped not. I mean, even though he could be the end of my life and, if he is Sammy, Hazel's old boyfriend, could he steal Hazel away too, along with my life? Again, I hoped not.

"H-hazel?" I asked while we were walking back towards the field of mars where everyone still was.

"Yeah Frank?" she said.

"what if Leo is Sammy? Then what?"

"Then nothing, Sammy is from my past. Yes he greatly impacted my life, but that was my previous life. My life now, that's whats important. My life with the best boyfriend ever."

I was speechless. I had no idea what to say. Hazel just called me the best boyfriend ever and she said, that even if Leo was Sammy, she chose me over him!

"Uh-duh." I said in reply. Hazel giggled at that and kissed my cheek.

I looked at Percy who seemed to be deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about Percy?" I asked.

"Oh uh nothing. Well, I was thinking about the prophecy Ella told us, Wisdom's daughter walks alone/the mark of athena burns through rome. What is the Mark of Athena?"

"I don't know. Do you think Annabeth will know? I mean, the prophecy lines are about her."

"Maybe. Well, I'll ask her later." Percy said as we reached the rest of the campers. I looked around to see that most of them had gone to their cabins, the Greeks going to their rooms on the huge boat. "Reyna, I think that the seven of the Prophecy should have a talk."

"Ok," Reyna said. "When do you think you will leave?"

Percy answered immediately, "Tomorrow morning after breakfast. The sooner we start this quest, the sooner we can finish it. And Thalia and Rachel? You guys come with us."

"Ok well I'll be in my house if you need me."

We all decided to have our meeting in the meeting room in the Argo II. On the way, Hazel and I pulled Leo to the back. I guessed Hazel wanted to get this over with.

"Leo," Hazel asked, cautiously, "This may seem random and please no questions, I'll explain everything in time, but do you know someone named Sammy Valdez?"

"Sammy?" Leo said, "Yeah, he was my grandfather why?"

I looked at Hazel to see that she was relieved and I relized that I had just let out a breath that I had been holding in for a while now.

"Lets just say that I knew him. I'll explain everything later." With that, Hazel walked away, catching up with the group, pulling me along with her.

We reached the ship and we walked on. And wow, this ship was gorgeous. As we walked down the hall, I saw so many different rooms; kitchen stocked with goodies, a living room with the most comfortable looking couches you could imagine and huge flat screen t.v.s, a game room with old arcade games like pac-man and newer games like xbox 360 and a wii. Every room seemed to have a mini bar with food and drinks. Then there was a huge swimming pool. Take that back, TWO! One of them smelled like the ocean.

"No Way!" Percy yelled as we passed the pools. "You have a fresh and saltwater pool!?! Awesome!"

"Yeah," Leo said. "It was Annabeth's idea."

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