Prisoner of War

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You opened your eyes hazily, trying to make sense of the blurry shapes in front of you. A strong light flooded your vision, making it difficult. Your eyesight slowly strengthened, and you made out of what was in front of you. A chair, a small table for medical uses perhaps, and walls, all a shiny uniform black. You attempted to rub your head but something was preventing you from doing so. You glanced down and...Hold UP. You were in a fucking interrogation chair??

Memories flooded back to you in bursts. The Mission...the forest...Kylo Ren...Rey...WAIT. What happened to Rey?

You began to thrash at your restraints. You were determined to find Rey. They couldn't kill your friend. Ha. Worse. They'd torture her. She'd become a First Order slave or something awful. You had to break out. It wasn't as easy as you had expected, and this road wouldn't end in freedom you had presumed. You gave up, resting your head back on the end of the chair-esque structure. You breathed deeply to regain lost oxygen. The feel of fresh bruises stung on your arms, and you only slightly regretted trashing as much as you did. If they were going to torture you, you needed all the strength you could possibly possess to survive. 

Suddenly, you heard the pssshh of an opening door, and you froze in fear. It was much like the feeling of disbelief you fell into all too often. Something terrifying was about to happen, and you had known it. It had all seemed so unreal the nerves never really got to you. 

This time was an exception.

You heard heavy footsteps behind you, but you couldn't crane your neck far enough to see who they belonged to. Their cloak grazed the edge of the chair, and you could practically feel the cloth on your right arm. You had chills and you didn't even know who he was. The figure strode in front of you, and you immediately recognized him as Kylo Ren. Bastard. He stopped on the opposite side of the room. The brief time he stood there felt like hours. The shadow 

"Ah, Y/N. You're awake."

Nice to meet you too. I'm scared shitless, also, where the hell am I??

"Where am I?"

"That's classified." 

It was stupid to ask, really. You were the one in the interrogation chair, not him. You could tell by the tone of his voice, however, that this was NOT going to be fun.

"The base. What was the Resistance searching for?" 

His stern voice softened. This punk was good.

"I'll never tell you." 

Mostly 'cuz you forgottttt....but, hey if you wanna die I'm cool with that.

"Suit yourself."

Kylo thrust his arm in your direction, causing you to flinch. You felt a sharp pain in your head, like a splitting headache. You peeled your eyes open and discovered he hadn't touched you at all. He stood there standing with his hand directly in front of your face. 

Your eyes widened in fear. If he could reach into your mind, what else could he do? Certainly things far worse.

The pain persisted, and you squirmed with discomfort. Finally, it became too much to handle.

"Please..stop.." You seethed.

He took his precious time to retract his hand, ensuring you suffered the longest. He took a small step back, probably admiring how weak he had made you in such a little time.

"How did you..." you trailed off, staring at him blankly. How the hell did he just get in your head? You had heard of Jedi being able to do things, but this man..he didn't seem like a Jedi. He seemed much colder. You'd only ever heard stories of the Jedi being peace-keepers and all. You had only ever met one other, Rey. She wasn't like this. No, no this wasn't a Jedi...right?

You swore you heard a faint chuckle beneath his voice decoder. Well, it could've been anything, really. It was hard to tell.

"You've seen other Jedi." he spoke. You opened your mouth in response, but you gave it a second thought. It would be best he didn't hear anything. At least, not from you.

"I hear everything. You hide nothing from me." 

You scoffed. "I wouldn't believe that much from a creature in a mask."

In response to your brief exchange, you saw him take the sides of his helmet in his hands. A click was heard, making the mouthpiece pop up. The rest of the mask followed, revealing his face.


A/N--OOOOKAAAYYYY FORGIVE ME CHIRREN. I worked on this for so long, I thought I had given up at one point. I was going to make this a really long chapter, but you guys can settle for mediocre writing...right...? I'll start working on a new chapter after tomorrow...because tests and other shit. Anyways, pleaaaaase leave feedback. And thanks for not leaving this wittle stowwy...

Thx Luvies!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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