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Cole walked you to algebra a kissed you goodbye and went off. You walked into class were people looked at you then realizing that you had a black eye. You did not like all the eyes on you so you went to your seat and looked down hoping they weren't staring.

"Okay now that everyone is here I want you all to get with your partners and work on your assessment" said the teacher while staring at your eye.

"Anya?" Tyson said while looking at you.


"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine, really, after Cole talked to me I feel a lot better" you said with a smile.


"Are we going to work?" you said snapping Tyson out of staring at you.

"Oh, yea"

Class was finally over and you went to go get your stuff for your next few classes just because you did not want to walked back and forth every period. After gym was over, you went to lunch and sat with Cole and his friends, just because Cole wanted to make sure that you were going to be okay.

Lunch was over and you had Language arts with Cory,  you just knew something was going to happen between you two, but could not help doing anything of it. You walked to your locker to get your stuff and was about to walk on into the classroom when Cory took you back to your locker.

"Cory, we have class"

"Not anymore we don't" he said smirking at you.

"What do you mean?"

"We are going to a rave" he then put your stuff in your locker and the both of you snuck out of school and got into his car.

All of his friends were in the car even Cole. You have never been to a rave before and were guessing that they all have. Once you got in his car, which was like really fucking cool, Cory told you to put on something he threw at you.

This was the outfit, you thought it was cute.

You did not want the others to look at you so you told them to not look and put it on

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You did not want the others to look at you so you told them to not look and put it on.

"Looking sexy Anya!" Cole said while eyeballing you up and down.

"Thanks" you blushed a little.

You finally got to the rave and the music was booming and people were making out and there was a whole lot of dancing going on. Cole pulled you to a spot in the crowd and you both started dancing. Cory walked over to bring both of you a beer with one of his own.

It had been a couple of hours since you all hade gotten to the rave and you could see that most of Cole's friends were making out with drunk girls. You were super drunk too so you didn't criticize them on it. You had almost 23 beers since you gotten there.

You got pulled to the side by a hand taking your arm. You had no idea who it was but didn't care, you were having to much fun to give a fuck.

"Nice to see you having a fun time sexy"

"Cory?" you said with a playful tone.

"Yea its me Anya"

"Ha, I am having fun thanks for taking me" you said while wrapping your arms around his neck while you still had a bottle of beer in hand.

"You can thank me another way, no need to use words" he smirked at you and started making out with you.

He then moved his lips down to your neck leaving hickeys all over. He then moved back to your lips and started kissing you again this time he was using his tongue. He moved his hands down to your ass and started gripping it while you guys were making out.

"Will you let me have you?"

"Yes" you said while playing with his hair.

He then slid his hand up your top and started to play with you breast. He then took of the top part of your bottoms leaving you with the top part and bottom part on. It looked like you were in a swimsuit and high heels. He started kissing you again while taking off your top. Once he got it off he started to suck on your breast.

He slid his hand down your bottoms and started to play with you. You dropped your bottle and started to moan. No one could hear you, only Cory could.

"Are you ready for me?"

"I don't know am I?" you both started to laugh and he pulled down your bottoms and then he pulled down his.

He turned you around and you put your hands on the wall thing. You did not what it really was but it looked some what like a wall so that is what you thought it was. Cory then slid his dick inside you and started to go in and out. He kept doing it, harder and harder each time. After a hour or so you guys were done and he helped you get your clothes back on and you both went back to the main part of the party.

You then saw Cole and walked over to him wrapping your arms around his neck and started kissing him.

"Hey sexy where did you go off to?" Cole asked smirking at you.

"Just went to tell my brother to look after my sister"

"Okay" he then pulled he closer to him and started to French kiss you.

You both walked back to the car when Cory told both of you that it was time to go. You both walked over to his car and waited while Cory got the others. You took your phone out from the car to see what time it was, it was 2:18 in the morning you all have been at the rave for almost 11 hours. Once all of them got to the car you all got into the car and Cory dropped all of the others off at their house and it was just you, Cole, and Cory left.

You and Cole were in the back making out.

"Where do you live Anya?" Cory asked

"Just drop me off at Cole's I don't want to have to deal with my mom" you said and turned your head back to Cole and started to kiss his neck.

"Okay" Cory said.

You finally got to Cole's house and the both of you got out of the car. You tapped on the passengers window and Cory rolled it down.

"Thanks for taking me" you said with a smirk on your face.

"No problem, you seemed like you needed it"

You went back to Cole and he wrapped his arm around you and both of you headed to his front door. It was unlocked and you walked in. Cole took you to his room and started to kiss you after he locked the door. You both started taking off each others clothes. Before you guys started Cole got up and went to his desk and got out a condom, and put it on before walking back to you.

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