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Peasley stood up, the chair screeching as it scraped across the stone floor. The dining room fell silent.

"Peasley..." Luigi whispered. "It's all right, calm down."

Luigi would have been able to save Lord Favio's life in that moment, if the nobleman hadn't made one terrible, last mistake.

He scoffed, and said with a sneer to the Prince Consort, "Hold your tongue; Peasants aren't allowed to speak at the table. You should be thankful you're even allowed to eat here."

A sword drew from its sheath in a quick hiss. Peasley jumped onto the table and strode down to the end, kicking dishes and food out of his path. He stopped in front of the now pale noble, and in a flash of silver, the man's body was no longer connected to his head. It fell to the floor with a thump.

After letting a second pass to let the scene digest, King Peasley coldly looked around the room.

"I will only say this once." His voice was soft, but the room was so silent that not a single word was missed. "My consort has just as much royal blood as me, which is a great deal more than any of you here. If a single word against him reaches my ears, rest assured, that you will greet the same fate," he flicked his sword to point at Lord Favio's body, sending drops of blood flying from his blade, "As this foolish, foolish man. Is that clear?"

Silence answered him, but it was obvious in the lords and ladies faces that they understood, crystal clear.

As casual as could be, Peasley walked back to his seat and jumped down. "Shall we go, my consort?"

Luigi took the outstretched hand, pale and trembling, and allowed himself to be led from the dining hall.

It wasn't until they were half-way to their rooms when he noticed Peasley still had his sword drawn. Luigi couldn't bring himself to say anything. He had always known Peasley was protective, but until that moment, he had never suspected he would go so far.

Peasley dismissed the butlers that waited to serve them in their suite, and when the last one had left, he locked the door behind him, and turned to his ashen-faced husband sitting on the bed.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that, darling." He said.

"Put the sword away, Peasley." Luigi said.

Peasley looked down at the sword in his hand as though having forgotten he had been wielding it, and slid it back in the sheath.

"I'll have to clean it tomorrow." He said, looking down at his stained clothes. "And this suit as well. Perhaps the staff will be able to-"

"Peasley," Luigi cut him off." Was that really necessary?"

Peasley sighed. "I'm sorry." He murmured.

"That wasn't my question, " Luigi said, crossing his arms." And I would rather you not lie to me. You're not sorry. Maybe you're sorry for making me see that, but not for cutting off his... his head."

"You know me far too well, my darling," Peasley began to come closer, but Luigi pointed at the chair by the vanity. Peasley sighed, but obligingly crossed the room and sat down.

"You must understand," he started," This has been long in coming. I've known there was someone passing rumors around the castle, trying to undermine you as ruler. It wasn't until a few days ago that we were able to pin down the culprit, and even then, I wasn't able to act until he made a move in public."

"We?" Luigi questioned with a raised eye brow.

"A king must always have spies, even in his own castle," Peasley said with a wry smile. "When he dared say those things aloud, in front of me, and in front of the other nobles, I had three choices. One-"

"You could have let him live!" Luigi hissed.

Peasley nodded." And allow him to undermine my authority, and discredit me as proper king and husband. Two, I could have exiled him from the castle, exile him from the Kingdom, even. But Luigi... you remember what you learned during your tutors, correct?"

Luigi huffed, but rather reluctantly said, "To let your enemy live after bringing him to his knees is to invite trouble. "

"It would be better to have him slain, than to let him live in humiliation and breed hate," Peasley finished. "That piece of advice was written by my father. So," he spread his hands in a pleading manner," I did what I had to do. Now, no one shall dare slander your heritage again. "

Luigi remained silent for a few moments, then whispered," I still don't like it."

"Neither do I." he stood, and Luigi said nothing as he crept closer, and put his arms around his husband. "Perhaps it is easier for me," he admitted, as Luigi leaned into his embrace, "Because I have lived this knowledge for my entire life. I've seen my mother defend me in quite similar ways as well. This is life we must lead Luigi." He hesitated, but pressed on. "If you feel as though you cannot handle it-"

"I can," Luigi said, turning to look him dead in the eyes." I can. It... was just a shock. I can handle it."

"Thank you," Peasley whispered. He pressed his cheek against Luigi's shoulder.

The pair stayed there for a long time, even as the fire died down and brought the chill of the night. Both knew that the situation would happen again, and both dreaded it. Luigi, in particular, feared the day he would have to kill someone, whether to protect himself or his lover.

But there was an unspoken truth in their embrace: Whatever happened, they would have each other. 

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