♕ 1.4 Cure a Hangover ♕

Start from the beginning

"Relax, I'm just teasing you." I swallow mesmerized at how his eyes crinkle up with a spark. "It's just water." He puts his arm around my back and helps me stand up.

I find myself embarrassed on realizing I was sitting on him the entire time. Getting up should have been the first step!

He stands up after me and runs a hand through his hair, the strands falling to his forehead were a bit damp. My eyes seem to follow his movement as he tucks the shirt out of his pants, and that's also when I realize he's wearing jeans instead of business dress pants that seems to be the office dress code. I find myself swooning at the casual look that still makes it seem as if he is dressed up because of his button up.

My eyes widen when I glance back up to his chest and find him reaching for his buttons. I turn on my heels and announce, "I'll go."

I can't believe he was about to take off his shirt with me standing there.

Then again, I cannot believe this entire altercation.

I pull the door shut behind me and walk straight to my office. I don't stop until I have shut my door. Briefly before I had closed his door, I am sure I heard him mumble. "That's one way to cure a hangover."

Perhaps it's the first time since I have met him that I heard such a comment coming from him. Otherwise, I think he is the kind of person who is always so professional at all other times. Always speaking to the point. Careful. Composed.

I mentally scold myself that I cannot be physically attracted to him. I'm engaged, for God's sake!

I feel the lack of a coffee mug in my hands and realize I left it there on his desk.

Good job, Jhanvi. I sass myself and with a sigh, walk over to the desk.

I sit in the chair and pull it closer to the table. I glance up again and it's like the window is there just to taunt me. It's impossible to forget that he is there and it's impossible to blink away from the sight of his naked back. Tanned skin. Toned shoulders. Lean but muscular. Not bulky. Just the perfect build.

He turns around to drop the shirt on the couch and I blink away at once, looking at everywhere on my desk trying to find something to do to look occupied. I have a dreadful feeling that he caught me looking just before I blinked away.

Even if I had not been caught, I cannot believe I just checked him out.

I give myself a minute or two before I dare to look up again. Through the open blinds, I see him pulling out his chair and taking a seat, changed into another shirt already. His eyes are glued to the laptop screen, probably unlocking it. I stand up and walk over to the window and twist the rod to close the blinds.

If he refuses to close his, I can atleast close mines so I can work with a clear head – until I can manage to not be attracted to him. Though... I don't know if it's possible. His good looks aren't going to just fade away because I wish so.

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

          Eva arrives just five minutes before 8 and she doesn't come empty-handed. She comes with delicious food and a large cup of coffee, as if she already knows of my addiction to coffee. She looks at me with pleading eyes, "Forgive me for yesterday?"

I couldn't be heartless and brush that away. So, I joke. "Only because you brought me coffee."

She grins and holds it out for me to take that I happily accept. She places her purse at her desk and then questions, "Why are the blinds close?" I open my mouth to object but she is already opening them. "There, much better. I hope you don't mind, but if they're closed, I will feel like we're locked up in here."

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