Chapter Three

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Bryne and I lay on the trampoline in my backyard, staring up at the clouds, which were a dark grey. We don't feel like doing anything just yet. The shock of what had happened a few days earlier still hangs over our heads.

"I feel terrible," Bryne says, sitting up.

"Me too," I say. "But at least we saved the NPCs."

"I hope they're alright," she says. "When we left, they were still fighting Charybdis and his blaze army."

I nod. 

"We can check on them if you want," I say. 

"No, we can't," Bryne says sadly. "I bet you anything that Herobrine is looking for us. Plus, we're the only people who can take care of him. Think about all the trouble he caused in Minecraft. Put that in the real world, and you've got what the government would describe as a terrorist."

I can't help but think she's right. He was an awful person in Minecraft. All he cared about was killing people. In reality, he'll have access to so much more crazy stuff, like knives and guns and-

I can't bring myself to finish that sentence. The thought of what Herobrine might do if he got his hands on a pistol is too much for me.

"What do we do?" Bryne asks. "We can't tell anyone else about this."

"Bryne, I just thought of something!" I gasp, sitting up excitedly. "There are tons of Minecraft players at our school. If any of them see him, they'll recognize him for sure. Then we'll have to tell them."

Bryne looks like she's thinking about this. 

"Tommy...I think you're right!" she yells. "We have to tell them. But who do we tell first?"

"I was thinking Sam," I say, and Bryne bursts out laughing.

"Are you nuts?! Sam's a total coward, she can't handle the fact that Herobrine exists in Minecraft, let alone the fact that he's in the real world!"

"Yeah, but it's better to let her know ahead of time, rather than let her freak out when she sees him."

Bryne bites her lip. "Okay, okay," she says. "You're right." 

"We'll tell her tomorrow," I say. "But she can't be the only one we tell. We should tell Owen, too."

Bryne nods. "Smart. Owen should be able to take it."

I feel a raindrop on my head. Thunder rumbles in the distance.

"We should go in," Bryne says. "I don't like storms. They remind me of..."

She cuts off, and I know why. Bryne's parents died in a hurricane when she was six years old, so my dad and mom allowed her to live with us. She technically isn't my sister, not legally, but she still lives with us.

"...come on," she says. 

Bryne leaps off the trampoline and runs inside before I've even put my sneakers back on. 

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