"Hey! Let go of me!" I yelled, the crew members' covered my mouth and threw me to the ground, some of them blocked the door, some of them stayed on deck, and some of them walked down to the sleeping quarters to witness what was about to happen. The first mate walked down the sitars ominously with a nine-tale in hand; I backed away, crawling on all fours, but was grasped by two men and held still. "No...no, please."

I said, the first mate grinned. "You are a crew member, and will be treated as such. When a crew member ruins something new, or something like that in general, on this boat, we have lashings. You will get five lashings, and, if you scream, you will get five more." He explained, a cotton shirt was balled up and shoved into my mouth before I could say or do anything and I yanked around, the back of my shirt ripped open.

There came a few gasps, yet the first mate laughed. "So, you're no stranger to whippings, are you, Anna?" He asked, gently touching my scars, which had just began to heal. I balled up my fists, tensing, bracing myself, but, nothing can brace you for, basically, nine leather belts smacking the hardest they could, against your skin at once. I gasped and my eyes flew open, I cried out, but it was muffled by the shirt; the first mate began to laugh as he smacked me a second time, I nearly screamed!

"Uh, uh, uh, what did I say, Anna? No screaming." The first mate said sing-songingly; I whimpered before I was hit again, my legs fell out from beneath me and I dropped to my knees. The two crew members held me to the deck, twisting my arms, making sure I couldn't fight. The third hit, I couldn't help it, I let out a scream; the first mate huffed and counted aloud as he lifted the nine tale high above his head the next seven times, he hurried his hits up, too, for he knew the Captain had to hear something.

By the tenth smack tears were flooding down my face and I trembled terribly, my back was completely numb and the urge to scream had all but left me; I could only breathe heavily and remain hunched, for to move caused too much pain. The first mate gave the nine tale to a pirate holding me and hurried up to the deck at hearing the Captain's door slam shut. "What's going on?" The Captain demanded, they were standing quite close to the door to the sleeping quarters.

"Nothing, sir." The first mate replied, I whimpered quietly and one of the pirates smacked the back of my head, to quiet me.

"Don't you dare lie to me."

"I'm not, sir, nothing is out of the ordinary." The first mate answered, lying.

"Explain that scream, then."

"What scream, sir?"

"The scream, the woman's scream." The Captain growled, getting increasingly irritated.

"I heard no such scream, sir." The first mate replied, the Captain huffed, cursing under his breath.

"Where's Anna?"

"I suspect, in the restroom, she wasn't feeling well, sir." The first mate explained, the Captain sighed again.

"Which one?"

"The one by the kitchen, sir." The first mate said, the Captain grunted and began walking rapidly away, I smiled, he did care about me! Though, my smile vanished at hearing the first mate return. "Leave her, boys, and go stash the nine tale." He ordered, he walked over to me and grasped my cheeks, squeezing them to pucker my lips; he was grinning.

"Looks like I've made you scream before your Captain has" he said, he threw me down, against the deck so I was lying on my side. "You keep a good check on yourself, Anna, for your Captain won't always be there to save you when you've slipped up." The first mate finished with, he kicked me in the ribs, and walked away calmly, smoothing out his hair again and returned to the main deck; chuckling darkly. I whimpered in pain and glanced around to see that a pool of blood laid stagnant near where I was whipped. 

You know, I was wrong before, sitting on the deck with the people I love, in the Caribbean sun, in a nightgown with a good book isn't hell, this, however, is.   


Yes, Mademoiselle Lauren, I saw the POTO US Tour! Well, I didn't see it with the principal Phantom, I saw it with a man named Eric Ruiz (haha, Erik...) who was a wonderful Phantom (he messed up on the lyrics to MOTN, but, was made up for by his vocal range). Now, it was the Christine I had a problem with, she couldn't hit most of the notes in TOM! She was also an understudy, and everyone almost had over-diction. The blocking, as I said before, my director would have a conniption at, and there is absolutely no chemistry on stage between Christine and Raoul.

 Erik is mad all the time and there is an attempted rape scene in 'The Final Liar' (Erik pushes Christine back, upon the bed, and hitches up her dress whilst singing, then, he rolls off of her). However, the people portraying La Carlotta, Piangi, the managers, and Meg were wonderful! La Carlotta and Piangi were the light of the show! The sets were fantastic and the quick changes were great; I must applaud Carlotta the most, for her voice was stunning, as well as her acting. The show in itself, I felt, went too quickly, as if the actors rushed their lines; there's also a part in Notes II where Christine slaps Raoul and silences the room (also in the song POTO Erik blindfolds Christine).  

Also, in 'Wandering Child' Erik is not elevated above Papa Daae's grave, in stead, he is on the ground, with Christine. When Raoul comes in (a good thing they did was add in the 'Wandering Child trio') Erik and he fight and Raoul ends up choke-slamming Erik to which Erik shoots fireballs at him and barely misses him. Also, in 'Little Lottie' Raoul walks in on Christine changing!! AND CHRISTINE SHARES A ROOM WITH ALL OF THE BALLET DANCERS! Please, help explain to me how she is to be taught, in secret, by Erik, sharing a room with a gaggle of gossiping ballet girls?

Anyways, sorry, rant over. The show itself I knew wasn't going to be as good as the Broadway, and, if you even get the slightest chance to go see the Broadway, do. I guess it all depends on your need to see the stage version, Mademoiselle Lauren, it's not an abomination, but it's not the greatest; I won't say I regret going, because I don't, nay, it was a good experience, it's always a good experience to see different versions of the same musical, however, this version tells a bit of a different story than the Broadway. I say, if you have Phantom fever and want to experience it, do it! But, if you have read all of the above and it has turned you off, then, I would wait and save up my money for tickets to NY.

I hope I've helped you and you all have enjoyed the chapter!     

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