Chapter One: House Meeting

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"HOUSE MEETING!" Mike shouted. 

Everyone gathered in the living room.

"Right, as you know in four days we are going on holiday," Mike continued.

A cheer arose from all the young people.

"It better be somewhere nice," Tyler said.

"The beach?" Chloe said.

"A fancy hotel?" Candi-Rose said.

"A theme park with, loop the loop rides?" Finn said.

Everyone nodded in agreement. A boring holiday is the last thing anyone wanted.

"We are actually going to... Blackpool!" Mike and May-Li said in union.

"Blackpool? Isn't that quite far away?" Tyler questioned.

"It's a two and a half-hour car journey, yes Tyler. But we get to go to the beach!" Mike said, trying to make it sound exciting.

Finn smiled wide. "I've always wanted to go to Blackpool!"

Some of the residents were happy, and some were not, but after all, a holiday is a holiday.

"However, there's a been a slight change of plan," Mike said. He looked to Jody. "We have a new resident coming tomorrow."

"But there are no spare rooms," Sasha said.

"Well, I'm getting to that Sasha. She will be sharing with Jody."

"What!" Jody shouted. She felt her blood beginning to boil. She couldn't stand having to share her room.

"Mike, please tell me you are joking!" she said.

"Sorry Jody, but she's got to stay somewhere. Now the boys will help you move her bed into your room while the rest of you start packing."

And that was it, the meeting was over. Everyone left the lounge. Everyone except for Jody and Tyler. Jody sat down on the sofa and sighed.

"So, you're getting a roommate," Tyler said, sitting beside her.

"Tyler don't start," she said.

"It might not be so bad," he said. He was trying to reassure her, but it wasn't working.

Jody wasn't happy about this new roommate, no matter who she was.

Just a short introduction chapter to start with. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next chapter!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

312 Words

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now