Wanna One's Kang Daniel captured spending his first break on a date with a very

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Wanna One's Kang Daniel captured spending his first break on a date with a very special person

Kang Daniel has been spotted on a date with a very special person.

For the Lunar New Year holiday, the members of Wanna One have been given 4 days of break from February 15 to the 18th. Kang Daniel used the free time to visit his family in Busan and he has been captured roaming the streets with a lady. 

According to witnesses, Kang Daniel enjoyed a date with his mother. The idol reportedly protected his mom from the crowd and walked around holding her hand.

Seeing the photos of Kang Daniel in Busan with his mom, netizens commented, "I remember him saying on a variety show how it's his wish to see his mom. He's such a good son", "He turned the streets of Busan into a photo shoot set", "Aww he's so cute."

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