My Random Day

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I woke up in the morning, as always, ready to start falling off the bed. EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP! -flop- Then I got up, facing my mom, who was just staring at me. "Goooooooooddddd morninggggggggg" She said really slowly. I stared at her and walked out of my blue cloudy room quickly before all the cereal disappeared. How can that happen, you ask? I HAVE NO IDEA. I fell down the stairs and ate the box of cereal. with card board milk. I looked back and my mom was still behind me, which was kinda creeping me out. I ran back up stairs, dancing, and locked my door. I sprayed myself with "Showah in a Can!" and smelled delicious. I put my clothes on after I took off my PJ's and opened my door, only to see my mom standing outside it. "Goooooooooddddd morninggggggggg" She said again. "Good morning to you toooooooo" I replied. I put my shoes on my head and went outside. Batman randomly came out of the bushes and kept saying; "I'm batman, I'm batman, I'm batman, I'm batman..." and followed me while I went to the park and rode on my magical scooter. I arrived at the park and threw my scooter ontop of Batman's head and ran to the swings. I sat down and swung myself so high that I went to outer space and saw dolphins with derpy faces fly around slowly. Nova flew by me saying "wop wop wop wop wop wop!!!" for some reason. Lizards went up and down and said "ima lizard ima lizard" and then I fell down back to earth, even if there was no gravity in space, I was fat enough.(not really but meh) And old man caught me but his arms broke off since I fell from so high and farted on his shoulders. His last words were "Don't let my gf touch my J's." but I took his phone and called up his girl friend and told her to touch his J's. I jumped and batman was gone, probably doing batman stuff. I danced around the man, wiggling my arms till the cops came and took his J's away from his girl friend. I farted and flew around town, trying to look for star bucks. I found it and went inside seeing a bunch of people wanting their star bucks. I called for everyone to look at me and said " I WANT A COOKIE. I'M SAYING THIS FOR THE ATTENTION." everyone looked at me but then ignored me and then i decided to say "I have a few things to say about star bucks. MMMMMMM LEMON HOPEEEE!" and then I blew up into lemons and everyone ate me. Everyone threw up and I became my regular self. But everywhere I went I kept saying "om om om om nom nom om om om" and kept farting every time I said hi to a person. I saw a guy and he seemed nice so I said hi to him and then farted to which he said "that was beautiful." and walked on. I saw a guy punching another guy for no reason and then he started punching his salad. I walking into the fight, took the salad and squatted while eating it in their faces. An opera singer randomly appeared from the sky and started singing the troll song. I danced to it, but it made no sense and everyone thought I was crazy. I walked back home, seeing my mom standing in the same place I last saw her in and she said "Goooooooooddddd morninggggggggg". I went back to bed even though it was still the morning and I dreamed about dancing tooth picks and marshmallows. WHAT A RANDOM DAY.

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