SpencerxDamon (OC story) FLUFF/YAOI

Start from the beginning

I get the money and walk back home. I walk to the house and see Damien watching tv and Aria reading a book and Spencer not here. I walk to my room fast and try not to be seen. As I get to my room I walk into the walk in bathroom and look at my shirt with blood on it. "Damn this was my favorite shirt to." I sigh and take it off.

As I was up I feel someone's presence but think nothing of it. "Well, well, well look what we have here." I hear someone say and I look over to see Spencer. "What the..." I start to say but was cut off. "Don't worry I'm not here to kill you I'm just here to tell the gods what you've been doing." I hear Spencer say and I get confused. "He couldn't know I'm the son of hades could he." I think and look at him. "What do you mean?" I pretend not to know what he's talking about. "You know what I mean son of hades." He says and I sigh and look at my ring then look up.

"What do you want." I say to him and notice a mark on his neck in the same spot I marked the girl at. "Ha I knew it you were the girl. Are you by chance he son of Aphrodite?" I ask him and he looks at me and smirks. "Yes I am and now I'm here to bring you to the gods." I shake my head. "I can't let you do that I have a family to help out." I say and walk away from him.

"What do you mean?" He asks me and I look back at him. "Well unlike you your mother actually likes you and so she feeds you and shit well my father does nothing for my family and me being the oldest I have to take care of them. So piss off and go back home." I tell him and he looks mad.

As I look for a new shirt he hits me in the back. "Well why do you kill people?!" He ask and yells at me. I sigh not wanting to answer. "I'm not telling you now go down stairs and pretend nothing happened up here." I tell him and he stomps off and I put a shirt on.

"This is going to a really long day." I think and walk down stairs.

*^*a few months later Damon's PoV*^*

Me and Aria and Damien and Spencer all sit at the table about to eat dinner when my phone buzzes and I look at it and it says,

To Damon,
I want you to take on a big job for me it will pay $2,000 dollars for. I want you to kill the most wanted criminal and then bring back his ring on his right hand. I need it for selling to get money.
Your boss.

I sigh as I read this and I get up. "I'll be back guys." I tell them and walk out the door.

*•^Spencer's PoV^•*
I hear Damon walk out the door and I look at Aria and Damien and see them sad. I decided to get up. "I'm going to follow him." I tell them and run out.

I run really fast to catch up to Damon. I look at him. "What job do you have now?" I ask him and he just sighs. "Spencer please go back home." He tells me and I feel like something is off. "His emotions are gone I just can't tell what he's feeling anymore." I think and he starts walking so I walk with him.

He gave up trying to get me to go back home. We go to the place we are supposed to be in and he s just watching the man. "This man looks evil." I think and look at Damon. "Okay Spencer stay here or go home." He tells me and I don't even get to answer before he walk away.

x•xDamon's PoVx•x

I start to sneak up on my target and right as I was about to stab the knife into his back he turns around. He sees me and grabs my wrist and turns it around stabbing me in the chest. I fall down from the pain in my chest and all I hear is screaming and the guy trying to run away. I pull the knife out no matter if it hurts or not, and I throw it at the man. "I killed him good now to go home." I think but can't get up.

I see Spencer with tears in his eyes. "Don't cry please I'll be fine." I think and everything goes black.

*•^Spencer's PoV^•*

When I see the man stab Damon i run to Damon and scream his name. "DAMON!!!" I yell trying to get to him I then see him pull the knife out of his chest and throwing it at the man killing him instantly. I try to hold back tears. "Damnit all why can't you be in your god form you could actually heal."  I think and get sad.

"Why am I sad? I'm the son of Aphrodite i normal don't care for anyone." I say out loud and look at Damon. I snap my fingers and teleport to Damon's room. We land on the floor and I get up and pick him up and puts him on the bed. "Oh god, oh god I need medicine." I say and runs down stairs.

x•xDamon's PoVx•x

I wake up with a pain in my chest. I grown and get up and limp to the bathroom. "Shit this hurts more then I was going for." I think and take my shirt off. I take the gauze's and put them around my chest. I cough and when I do I cough up blood. "Shit." I whisper. I wipe my mouth and grown again.

I hear footsteps coining to my room. Then I hear someone calling my name. "Damon where did you go?" I hear the person say and I smiles . "Spencer." I think and I hear him looking everywhere then he walks to the bathroom. I see him look at me and tear up. I smile and wave at him. He runs to me and hugs me and everything he had was on the floor.

He keeps crying and I pet his head and try to calm him down. "Spencer don't cry please." I tell him and he just shakes his head. "Why?" I asked him confused. "Because you are really special to me and you almost died Damon." He tells me and I smile. I kiss his head and he looks up at me. He then turns red. Then I hear footsteps running up to my room. "Damon your awake!" I hear and see my little brother Damien. He runs to me and hugs me. He then starts crying and I tell him "everything is going to be okay". I then here Spencer mutter "this little brat." I kind of giggle and look at Damon. It's late at night and he looks tired. "Okay Damien time to go to bed." I say and pick him up and carry him to bed. I put him on the bed and tuck him in and kiss his forehead. "Goodnight Damien" I say . "Goodnight big brother and goodnight big brothers boyfriend." I hear Damien say and I laugh a little and I see Spencer's face go red. "D..Damon I need t..t..to ask you s..som..something." He tells me while stuttering.

"Okay tell me." I say to him and he back up form me. "Well every time y..you are really c..cl..close to me my h...heart beats faster." He says and I smirk. I walk up to him and he looks at me. I lean down and kiss him. He kisses back and I pick him up. I walk to my room and close the door and close it and lay him down. I kiss him and he kisses back. My hands go up his body and he bits his lip. I pull his shirt off and throw it somewhere. I kisses his neck trying to find a sweet spot. Then on cue he moans. I smirk and abuse that spot. I smirks and stop.

"Did you have fun." I say with a smirk he nods his head and I kiss his head and lay down beside him.

"I love you Spencer."  I tell him

"I love you too Damon" He says

We then fall asleep in each other's arms.

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