Traveling Companions

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Sehun turned the volume up on his phone, trying his best to drown out the loud screeching from the train. Using one hand, he pushed his earbuds deeper into his ears, his other hand clutching onto the bar above him. The train was packed, everyone returning home after work or a long day at school.

Sehun steadied himself as the train came to a stop, the doors opening as passengers filtered in and out of the car. It became more crammed than before, and bodies squished up against each other as the doors closed again. Sehun was relieved he only had two stops left.

The train started abruptly, rocking the passengers around as they tried to gain their balance. The small person in front of Sehun wasn't able to however, and they suddenly grabbed onto Sehun's jacket to prevent themselves from falling.

Sehun looked down to see a boy around his age still clinging onto him. He only spent a moment analyzing the boy's face before he smiled at him, realizing he was exactly his type. Everything about him was attractive, from the shape of his eyes, to the outline of his mouth.

The boy smiled back at Sehun awkwardly, sending him an apologetic expression, "Sorry, can I hold onto you?"

Sehun quickly raised his hand to pull out one of his earbuds, "Sorry what was that?"

The boy repeated himself, a little more embarrassed this time, "...Is it all right if I hold onto you? I can't reach the bar up there."

"Yeah go ahead." Sehun answered happily.

The boy's smile relaxed into a more comfortable one, and he gripped tightly onto Sehun's jacket. Sehun stared down at his hands, noticing how delicate and slender his fingers were.

One the train started moving fast again, the loud screeching returned to assault the passenger's ears. Sehun watched the boy raise his free hand to cover one of his ears, trying his best to cope with it.

Sehun grabbed the earbud he had already removed, and held it out to the boy, offering it to him to use. Sehun swore he noticed the boy blush a little as he accepted it, grabbing it and gently pushing it into his ear. Returning his hand to his still exposed ear, he was able to block out the hideous train sound.

Sehun watched as the boy bobbed his head a little to the song, clearly enjoying it. He smiled, glad that they had similar taste. Once the train came to another halt, the boy lost his balance again, almost falling over. Sehun quickly reacted and grabbed onto the boy's waist, making sure he didn't fall. Smiling again, the boy thanked him.

The train emptied considerably this time, leaving a few seats open. But now that Sehun was connected to the boy by his earbuds, neither one of them bothered moving, not that Sehun wanted to anyway.

The next stop was Sehun's, and he looked out the door at his usual route home as it opened. He hesitated, glancing down at the boy who was spacing out listening to his music. He didn't want to leave him.

The doors closed, and Sehun was suddenly committed to this ride for an unknown amount of time. Getting off after the boy was his only plan.

Stop after stop they continued standing next to each other, the boy's hand still clinging onto him. It wasn't until Sehun finally noticed two empty seats next to each other that he offered for them to sit down together.

The boy happily agreed, and they moved carefully to not pull out the earbuds. They sat quietly together, and Sehun shuffled through a few songs to pick ones he was kind of excited to share with the boy, wondering if he had heard them before.

Sehun turned his head to look at the window, but it wasn't outside he was looking at. He stared at the boy's reflection, admiring his soft face. He really had never seen his equal, and was happy he decided to stay on the train to abuse the opportunity of looking at him for as long as possible.

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