Chapter 2

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"Thanks." Andie smiled at the guy working behind the counter before she and Mia took their ice cream outside to sit at one of the tables out front. She grinned and basked in the sunshine. School was out, life was good and she hadn't had to feed off anyone in a little over a week. She was back to wearing tank tops and shorts with no worry of hurting anyone.

"What's got you all smiley?" Mia asked as she took a bite of her sundae.

Andie shook her head. "Just having a really good day."

"You've been having a lot of those lately," Mia commented before she tilted her head to the side in thought. "My mom's medicine helping you out?" she asked.

Andie froze. She was supposed to have begun taking Peg's medicine after her last run in with Charlie, but hadn't. Instead, her powers began eating her alive because they couldn't get any life force. She hadn't told anyone about her unwillingness to take the medicine and she definitely hadn't told anyone about her encounter with Dylan Radcliff.

"Andie!" Brett called as he and his two friends – and by friends, Andie now knew he really meant werewolf pack – came up behind her luckily preventing her from having to answer Mia's question.

"Hey!" Andie smiled a little too widely, grateful for the interruption.

"Ooh, what flavor is that?" Lexi asked as she peered into Andie's cup.

"Peanut butter banana." Andie pushed her cup toward the girl in invitation.

"Mmm, awesome." Lexi nodded after trying a bite. "I'm gonna grab me some." Lexi stood up and Brett and Lukas immediately did the same, following her into the store.

"When is Brett gonna get a clue?" Mia asked as she watched Lexi flirt with said boy inside the shop.

Andie gave a small smirk. "Apparently Lexi said something about it when she and Brett came to find Charlie and me in the woods but ever since he's been ignoring that she ever said anything."

"Ouch," the girl said with a wince of sympathy.

The three werewolves exited the store and headed toward their table when Lexi accidentally knocked into one of the people sitting down. She turned to apologize but the words got stuck in her throat once she caught a whiff. "Sorry, Mr. Radcliff," she forced out before promptly turning her back to him and continuing toward Andie's table.

Andie choked on her ice cream when she heard Lexi speak the name. A glance out of the corner of her eye confirmed the fact that three tables away, sitting with his daughter, was Dylan Radcliff. He, too, appeared to only just notice her. There was a moment where their eyes met in surprise before they both hastily looked away. Andie's cheeks burned red and she took a large bite of her ice cream to cool her embarrassment down. This was awkward.

"Hey, we're gonna head to the movie theater to catch that new supernatural flick. We thought it'd be funny. You wanna come?" Lukas asked the two girls. Ever since Brett found out that Andie was a succubus and told his pack, they'd all been much friendlier to the girl and her witch friend. Supernaturals had to stick together, especially since they were all the same age.

"Uhm." Andie and Mia exchanged looks. "Sure, why not?" Andie finally replied. "Let me just go throw this away and call my dad to let him know I'll be late. I'll meet you guys there."

"Okay," Mia replied as she and Lukas immediately headed out.

Brett lingered for a moment causing Lexi to wait as well. "I can wait for you," Brett offered immediately, completely ignoring Lexi's eye roll at his behavior. He was always chasing after Andie, even when she'd made it perfectly clear that she wasn't interested.

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