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I turn the key and walk in waiting for somthing to happen, because somthing always happens to me. I heard somthing coming to me and all of a sudden Slap!! I clutch my cheek as soon as he hits me. "Where were you b****", he yells at me. "At school, i missed the bus, but i tried to get here as fast as i could', i replied. He just looks at me angrily and than he passes out on the floor. After my daily life at home begins like this...

Bringing my father to his room.Starting the cooking. Cleaning the living room and the other roomsFinsh cooking and cleaning and work on homework. Than dad wakes up and beats me again and again.He eats his food and leaves some on his plate for me. Than He Goes to sleep and i clean up the plates and stuff. I start to bandage my face because his nail left a cut, afterwards i went to the living room and watched some cable televison.

Now that my day is over i go to my bathroom, my one sanctuary and begin to cut because it's the only thing keeping me from going crazy. The pain is helping me forget about everything as i slowly slide the blade across my wrist and arms. Once i warpped my self in bandages i went to my room clutching the only thing that loves me, my teddy bear. "Hi teddy", i say with my mind. "hey, C~K,' Teddy said back to me. Just hearing his voive cheered me up. I hugged him tightly and kissed his head. "How was your day?", he ask, "it was horrible, bad things happend". He hugs me tightly. "soon you will be with your mommy", he said creepily. "with my mommy?", i asked. He just nodded his head and he fell asleep. Arghh!!! I screamed silently in my head, i went to go brush my theeth and went to bed dreading tommorow, the horrible friday.

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