Clearing my throat, I smiled. "Um-" I swallowed hard, not knowing if I should tell her the full story, or just the part about Luke. "Well, there's kinda two guys.. Things are a little complicated." I bit my bottom lip, unsure as to how she would take this.

"So are you cheating on a guy with another?" There was no judgment in her voice, just curiosity.

"No!... I mean, I'm dating someone, but I may have feelings for someone else."

I tried to make this sound as best and as simple as possible, but it still didn't sound right.

"I guess what I mean is that I have feelings for someone who won't ever fulfil my needs, so I've settled for someone else to spare me from getting hurt. I know it sounds selfish, and it is, but please don't get me wrong. I really like the guy I'm dating at the moment, too. Like a lot." I chuckled dryly. "But this other guy.... he's just got something over me that keeps bringing me back."

I haven't really told anyone any of this, but it feels kind of good to get it out..

Kaylee just nodded, taking it all in. "What's your boyfriend's name?


"Okay, so does Luke know about the other guy?"

"Uh, yeah." I took a drink of my coffee, looking out towards the ocean waves that were gradually toppling eachother.

"And the other guy, tell me about him." She gave a smile, taking a drink as well.

"Well, he's part of a frat. He's two years older than me." What all does she want to know? "He was pretty much expelled at the end of the year last year, but he's back now. Uh, he's kind of a sap disguised as a hard ass though." She chuckled and I did too as I thought back to our couple flirty friendly texts and to the references of my 'beauty'.

"However, he's... he's something else." Blushing, I continued. "He's on the soccer team, so I guess you could call him athletic. I mean his biceps are.. wow." I chuckled.

"He sounds hot as hell. I'm pretty sure I'd hit him on the spot!" She laughed, and I tried to push away the thoughts.

"Yeah, but I'm just scared to trust him, ya know?" It was such a foreign feeling to spill all of this. It was almost an eye opener for myself even, because I'm kind of a closed person, so I don't tell many people things like this. She nodded. "Especially because I hate the way he can manipulate me. He has such a different way to say things, like slowly and almost seductively and it scares me as to how he can persuade me into doing almost anything.

"He thinks he runs the whole damn place, and ugh, he can be really annoying and he sleeps around.. like a lot!" I finnished my little rant, still kicking around the scorching hot sand.

"And this Luke guy?" She asked, just before I glanced up to her. I finnished my drink, shaking it around a bit, hearing the green straw bounce off the plastic sides.

I quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead before I continued. "Well, we've been dating since Wednesday. He can be really sweet, and funny. And so far, things are going alright. The other guy has tried to interrupt us a little or irritate me because he doesn't want us together, but we just try to ignore him. He's just doing it to get to me, like there was a time when we were going to a bonfire and as soon as I got there to see Luke the guy just decided to take ten minutes to snog a girl in the trunk of the truck so we couldn't leave. Or when I was in class and he decided to sit right behind me and talk about how good this girl was in bed. He just... ugh. He irritates the shit out of-"

"Do you hear yourself?" Kaylee laughed. I immediately stopped talking, looking to her with a questioning look. She kept chuckling as she moved all of her blonde hair to one shoulder.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now