Fear on de mono ray

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I hope some people enjoy my very first attempt in making a story up. I've got a lot to learn still I am fairly young regardless I really enjoy sitting down writing in my spare time.

All characters and the story line is all non-fiction, not real.

No characters are based on people I know personally.

I do apologize if I offend people in advance. At the end of the day, it's just a fictional story that I made up hope you like it.

Also, show your support though this story. Show you are enjoying it. Use the hashtag #Fearondemonoray on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Let's get the show underway and welcome to "Fear On De Mono Ray"


Chapter 1:

A New Beginning Awaits:

"Oiii, Nate" "ohhh, Nate?" "OIII NATE GINNA WAKE up now "

"No, Mommy five more minutes please" "I don't want to go to school"

"That's it you asked for it now" WACK

"Mom, why did you hit me for?"

Nate had jumped up in a cold chill and woke up.

"Oh shit sorry boss I was just dozing off" "It'll never happen again"

"Get back to work right now you slack arse"

Nate woke up fully and went back to his work, straight away. Lately he has been staying back late in the factory after countless unsuccessful experiments and new projects gone wrong. In the past 4 months. Nate is a key member at the lab and office working on new inventions and projects that have never been worked on before.

Nate is an inventor he, well try's to build and make successful new gadgets, guns, bombs you name it almost everything he could make. He designs them and makes the invention come to life.

Nate yelled to get his boss to get his attention as the boss walked back in Nate's office.

"Hey boss, boss quickly come here for a second"

"Yes, what is it" "I herd you the first time, bloody hell it better be a good idea this time"

"Well I been thinking recently that maybe we have the wrong approach on our high tech gadgets" "We shouldn't invent more gadgets for war, we will ruin our planet if we keep doing so"

"Boss haven't you seen the movie Terminator well yeah I think that may happen soon"

"Hhhmmmm, you could be on to something Nate, it might also maybe explain why our nemesis world De Mono Ray keeps trying to have an attack on our world" "It could be they want all our weapons and high tech gadgets"

"Those evil scum bags will do literally anything to rule the entire universe, but it's not going to happen not on my watch"

Nate's boss paused and went back into talking to Nate.

"All major employees and head members like yourself and including me are all having a meeting today" "We could discuss this topic over the table and see what all the others all think about that idea"

"But until then young solider you go back into the bloody work and not go to sleep"

"Yes boss, yes right, Oh I mean Sir ......... oh shit"

"It's Cornel to you Nate, Cornel WhiteStream out"

The Cornel just walked out of Nate's small office.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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