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Oh my love! I have breathed you in
Through the pores of my love - quenched skin;
For ours was not a moon laden with honey.
It was a moon bursting with fire,
Satiated by the drippings
Of our mutual desire.

Oh my love! You course through my veins,
Intermingled with what blood remains.
No longer does my heart pump that vital potion.
It crests your love like a waving ocean,
Bounding to shore with impassioned force;
Returning to its aortic source.

Oh my love! To what do I rush
To a desperate school girl's crush?
A pounding tsunami crashing my heart's shores?
A woman's passions sweating musk from my pores?
Which? I cry to the deaf - mute choir?
True love or unrestrained desire?

Oh my love! In which is it filed?
In the whimsy of a fickle child?
In an immature girl's intimate embrace?
Or in a woman's passionate grace?
Enlighten my aortic route.
Swell my love. Erase my doubt.

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