Chapter 2

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As she pushed her way through the heavy glass doors that framed her high school, Addie could feel everyone's icy glares fall onto her skin. Some looked at her in disgust, some in confusion, but none of them were positive. Except for that one warm face that appeared at the distant end of the corridor, Macie. Ignoring the watchers, Addie quickly walked over to her battered blue locker to greet what seemed like the only friend she had left since the court case. That's right, she was nearly jailed for a crime she didn't commit, and now the whole town thought that Adella Rose, the once popular red headed cheerleader, was a murderer.

All the events before that night had simply lined up together like a jigsaw puzzle created to destroy. The loud arguments between Addie and Lyla, the backstabbing of Sam and Bree, and how Addie supposedly stole Lyla's idiot of a boyfriend. Isn't it just peachy how you have no control over your life, how it seems that everything was planned out for you before your even born into this mean world. One thing that Addie was sure of, was that she had nothing to do with her ex-best friend's death, even though she might have hated her guts at the time.

2 Months Earlier....

'Adella, there's a policeman wanting to talk to you' Mum said in a hushed tone from behind my closed door. I tapped the off button on my laptop, and took a deep breath. What had Scott done now? what was the excuse he wanted me to tell them? As i walked down the hallway I could hear muffled beats from behind Scott's door and even more distinctively a girl's voice laughing and flirting with him. Nope, this was not Scott's wrong doing, or else he would be sat in silence downstairs under the watchful eye of my mother, like always. The old wooden floorboards creaked as i made my way lazily down the stairs and into the excuse of a living room. 'Good morning Adella, unfortunately i bring bad news' That cop looked familiar, i had seen him before somewhere. Oh yeah it was that 2 week boyfriend my mum had last year. That's why he's being friendly.  'Darling, why don'y you take a seat?' whispered my Mum with a look on her face that displayed that of someone who had just seen a ghost. This is going to be fun. 'It's your friend Lyla, i'm afraid she was found dead this morning down by the Glassing lake.' Woah. that was news. especially from the fact that there was a party in the barn down there last night. A party that all five of her old friendship group attended. The scarier part was that Addie couldn't remember how the party ended. All she could remember was being handed numerous bottles of alcohol and at one point making out with Lyla's Boyfriend, Shane.

Oh god, Shane. He walked me home last night, but it wasn't home, no it was somewhere else. a small building made of wood. The fisherman's shack! oh that's not good. no one ever goes there to just sit a talk, they go to do way more than that.

As my mind returned to the hazy real world and the cogs started to shift sending the message all around my head, a bead of a tear formed in the corner of my eye. Oh my god, Lyla's gone.

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