Home Alone

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Sheny's POV

*wakes up at 8am*

*turns off the alarm clock*

Another day of work.

*gets ready*

Wow. They aren't even up yet. Tch.

*leaves to work*

*closes the door*



"Oh. Hi Taehyung."

"You going to work too?"

"Yepp.. Where else am I supposed to go at this hour?"

"Let's walk there together."

"Oh ok.."

*enters the elevator*

"So how's your friend? Did he get mad at you?"

"Nah. He was trying to talk to this one girl and she rejected him. *laughs*"

"Damn. That's sad."

"I mean. I guess it is. He usually don't get rejected, but she did have a boyfriend."

"What kind of guy is he?"

"Well.. He usually just messes around with other girls so he don't get bored. He's usually at my house alott. So don't get scared if you keep seeing him."

"Ohh. Does he have any other friends?"

"Hm.. A few, but they're always busy. And I'm the closest one to his age. So he just prefers to hang out with me more."

"What does he do for a living?"

"Uh.. He doesn't really work.. His dad owns the mall we work at. So you might see him alot there too. But he gets along with his dad really well. So that's good."

"Ohh. I forgot to ask. How old are you?"

"Uh. I'm 22, I was born on December 31st, 1995. What about you?"

"Hm. I'm 20. I was born on February 21st, 1997."

"So I'm older than you! Yayyy."

"How old is Jimin?"

"Uh. He's 22 too. He was born on October 13th, 1995."

(Sorry if I get some of the information wrong)

*time skips*

"We're heree!"

"Yay.. Can't wait to work."

"Stop being sarcastic. *laughs* Come on. Let's go"

"I wasn't being sarcastic... Was I?"

"You were definitely being sarcastic."

"Wow. Someone I know finally knows what sarcasm is."


*skips time*

Time to go homeee!!!

"Do you wanna walk home together?"

"I mean.. do I really have a choice?"

"True. Okayy. Let's go!"

*skips time*

"Oh look. Your friend is waiting for yo-"


"Shhh!! I told you I was gonna be at work."

"Uh. Imma go now. Byee"

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